U.S. leadership matters today, just as it did after World War II
What would the world look like today if Harry Truman or Dwight Eisenhower had shared the foreign policy inclinations of Barack Obama or,...

Are Bibi's Days Numbered?
There are people all over the world trying to push Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu out of office. Now, it's not that I'm a great fan of...

Federalism is a Pandora’s Box; if Syria Succumbs to It, Others Will Follow
The apparently sudden Russian military withdrawal from Syria, starting on 15 March, left political commentators puzzled, but few of the...

A World War Has Begun: Break the Silence
I have been filming in the Marshall Islands, which lie north of Australia, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Whenever I tell people...

Ken O'Keefe Dares To Say What Others Do Not
Few dare expose the truth about the people who's only intentions are to profit from heinous war-crimes. "Psychopaths are running the...

American Crime Family Advances on the White House
Has any American previously been able to run for the presidential nomination while being under investigation by the FBI for security...

America’s Laughable ‘News’ Media
Source As of Friday March 4th, democracy ended in Turkey, but you’d hardly have known it by reading the international ‘news’ at the major...

Brussels Attack: Another Chapter in NATO's Gladio Strategy?
Europe has experienced another Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist attack. This time terrorists set off bombs at...

Syrian army advances in Islamic State-held Palmyra
Backed by Russian airstrikes, pro-Assad forces push deeper into jihadist stronghold, rights monitor says #MiddleEast #Syria #ISIS #Wars

Robert Baer, former CIA officer: They Gave Us Millions to Dismember Yugoslavia
We bribed parties and politicians who have enticed hate between the nations. Our ultimate goal was to enslave you! WebTribune...