Why is Lebanon Holding Hannibal Gaddafi Hostage?
As of this week, following his arrest on December 15, 2015, Hannibal Gaddafi, one of seven children of Moammar Gaddafi and his Widow...

The New World Order Is Almost Certainly Behind the Panama Papers
“The Panama Papers are a scam, real documents turned over to a Mossad run organization that now has dirt on even more people and more...

Benjamin Netanyahu Continues to Morally Fall Apart
Benjamin Netanyahu is dangerous to himself and to society because he is willing to move heaven and earth to propound his essentially...

The humbug of ‘shared values’ and What it really means to be a friend of Israel
Once again the AIPAC annual pantomime in Washington DC has played itself out while the world outside watches aghast at the gullibility of...

Are Bibi's Days Numbered?
There are people all over the world trying to push Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu out of office. Now, it's not that I'm a great fan of...

Federalism is a Pandora’s Box; if Syria Succumbs to It, Others Will Follow
The apparently sudden Russian military withdrawal from Syria, starting on 15 March, left political commentators puzzled, but few of the...