A Russian warning
We, the undersigned, are Russians living and working in the USA. We have been watching with increasing anxiety as the current US and NATO...

End Is Near For ‘Fearmonger’ Netanyahu’s Government – Ex Mossad Chief
A former Mossad chief has said that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s rule is based on “fear” and his days in office are numbered after he...

Israeli Leader Demands Worldwide Fascist Style Internet Censorship
Israel has unveiled plans to impose internet censorship across the world’s social media platforms by building an “international...

Europe Is in Revolt Against Anti-Russian Sanctions
The continent's economy is being wrecked for no good reason From ministerial offices to barricades on the streets, Europe is in open...

Beware what you wish for: Russia is ready for war
So foreign ministers from the 28 NATO member-nations met in Brussels for a two-day summit, while mighty military power Montenegro was...

Article In Saudi Daily: U.S. Planned, Carried Out 9/11 Attacks – But Blames Others For Them
On the eve of President Obama's April 2016 visit to Saudi Arabia, the U.S. Congress began debating the Justice Against Sponsors of...

The Great Leap Backward: America’s Illegal Wars on the World
Can we face it in this election season? America is a weapons factory, the White House a war room, and the president the manager of the...

Embargo title screen Photo credit: Jeri Rice / Embargo Video Links Below On the occasion of President Barack Obama’s historic visit to...

Why I Think the Western Democracies Are In Fact Dictatorships
"... though the democratic nations ... defeated fascism in 1945, they are no longer democracies; they’re all «oligarchies» ruled by some...

#Agenda2030 #Media #Warcrimes #911 #MiddleEast #BoycottIsrael #BDS #Gaza #Palestine