Will Pentagon: ‘Offer’ Support to Turkey in al-Bab or ISIS ?
Pentagon: US Will ‘Offer’ Support to Turkey in North Syria Invasion Spokesman Says Incirlik Base Discussions Are Ongoing by Jason Ditz,...

03.08.2016 Turkey Reports that US General John F. Campbell was the organizer of a coup d'etat in Turkey surprised no one. Recall that the...

Whose Century Is It?
Life on an Increasingly Improbable Planet Cross-posted with TomDispatch.com Vladimir Putin recently manned up and admitted it. The United...

It's Official: Hillary Clinton Is Running Against Vladimir Putin
Fulfilling what might be the Russian autocrat’s dearest wish, Trump has openly questioned whether the U.S. should keep its commitments to...

Erdogan’s death grip on power inside Turkey is behind this Fake Coup
We ain't buying it - is that the smell of a burning Reichstag? Hitler had the Reichstag burned down to consolidate the Nazi grip on...