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More than 5 years ago, I wrote about the collapse of the bipartisan political system of the USA, but then it was obvious to few. But now it is an indisputable fact. Likewise, now I am one of those considerations, I would venture to predict the global crisis of the West, and it is already an established fact, yet prominent little. Bastinda, dokonal still the USA, but, remembering Nixon, whom she was forced to sign a paper about the abdication in fact without any reason, fights like a lion for his innocence and has managed to extend the political hurricane named Hillary Clinton on the whole "free", aka the Western world.

Apparently she promised to Western elites a scenario similar to the cold war, but now even they became too obvious that the second time, this will not work and waged her war will be hot, very hot, and this time it will be organized in the conditions of nuclear-missile superiority of Russia. And the elites have a change of heart. While it appeared that began the collapse of the Anglo-Saxon world, i.e. the so-called "special relationship" = a military-strategic partnership of the USA with the UK. Last time it was in 1945, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was Joseph Stalin in a much more intimate relationship than with Winston Churchill. In the confirmation I can report that the crash that I described in this post in some degree confirmed. Of course none of these words Cruz did not speak, but representatives of the trump really warned Cruz that the establishment uses it, and the game congratulated Cruz's victory in Wisconsin, that really is an extraordinary event. The reasons for this can be very different, but it's definitely not the dozen delegates that Cruz took trump in Wisconsin. This is all very strange, as is not doubt that up to this point, trump and Cruz helped each other, and establishment representatives believed Cruz is much more dangerous figure than Donald trump. According to this article the reason for the latter was that trump politics random person that broke into it I would say by the will from above, and keep it random people, and articulated its political base, and behind Cruz looms 10 million so-called "born again evangelists" who can show clintonites gruel. But the performance of Cameron, suddenly remembering that England is a Christian country (and it surely is the clearest sign of the changes) would clearly go beyond the goat's muzzle and the EU suggests that those elites, who until recently supported trump, has decided to support Cruz and his Christian electorate. Apparently a revised decision to destroy the Historic Russia Union hands of Saudi Islamists with American Satanists, that in the 80s has proved itself in Afghanistan, and bet these elites decided to make religious war Anglicans and their clones against Orthodoxy, which is perfectly consistent with the position of the cruise, but do not fit well with the ideas of trump . This explains the cooling of relations between the U.S. and Turkey, furthermore the West and Turkey, which Turkey caught in the midst of the conflict in Russia, which was provoked by the Union of American Satanists with the Islamists, and now the epicenter of world conflict primemedia in Constnatinople and in Hagia Sophia, the walls of which left a Liturgy, which began in 1453, when the Islamic Empire troops were going to storm the capital of the Empire Christian. P. S. I can not yet substantiate this, but intuition and the urgency with which was created the national guard, suggests that the recent changes in Russia are preparing for a global crisis of the West.

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