Groisman has promises to heal the Ukrainian "wounds" by the return of Crimea and Donbass
Groisman has promised to heal the Ukrainian "wounds" the return of Crimea and Donbass

Newly minted Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman announced the imminent end of Ukraine as the state saying: "We will never recognize that part of our land, cut off in the living, no longer belongs to Ukraine. This wound will heal only when it will resume full territorial integrity of our country." That is to say never!? I wonder what the master expects the new Prime Minister? The territory is lost forever, it is a fact, and to bring them back under control of Kiev, no Groisman, nor anyone else there is no way. After the war crimes committed by the Ukrainian punishers in the Donbas, to lure the residents of new Russia "under his wing" rhetoric and promises - just seems ridiculous. In addition, APU has proven its incompetence in the conduct of hostilities, even with civilians of their own country. The militia DND and LNR defeated in this war, and the winners usually do not capitulate to the loser. About Crimea and say nothing. The Peninsula is now a full-fledged subject of the Russian Federation, its territory is no longer any Ukrainian infrastructure. Moreover, after a series of terrorist attacks directed against the inhabitants of the Crimea not controlled by the Tatar gangsters and the Ukrainian nationalists, Russia has completely abandoned the supply of electricity from Ukraine to Crimea, and also from food that after joining the Peninsula to Russia still imported into the autonomy. In short, Groisman making such a statement, made it clear to his countrymen that the "wounds" of Ukraine will bleed forever! At least as long as the authorities will remain those people who are now, and Groisman to them is most relevant...
17 October 2007 — the society with limited liability from Vinnitsa firm "Yunost", which is owned by Groisman Vladimir Borisovich and decorated for his father, Boris Isaakovich, in the Vinnytsia branch of the PJSC "Kreditprombank" was granted a loan of 10 800 000 US dollars for construction of commercial complex "Magicland". "Magicland" located at the address: Vinnitsa, street Youth, 43-a, in the place where previously was located the famous Vinnytsya market "Youth", writes the Ukrainian national anti-corruption portal "ANTICOR".
1994 - this market has created and directed the father Volodymyr Groysman Boris Isaakovich.
1994 — 2005 - commercial Director of private enterprise "Youth" was Vladimir Groisman. In the winery, this market is called the "wailing wall" is a very illustrative analogy that speaks for itself.
Loans were to be repaid until 17.10.2009 year, but, as is customary in Grossmanov, part of the allocated money was used for construction, where the remainder is unknown. Of course, on payment of taxes in especially large sizes no one thought. Shopping center "Magicland" was completed and emblazoned in the centre of the city. And on payment of the debt the family of Grossmanov somehow forgot.
Currently, the debt to the Bank is more than 100 000 000 UAH.
The resolution of Economic court of Vinnytsia region from 02.07.2009 G. F. on the bankruptcy of private enterprise "Youth". In the winery say that the decision of the judges was transferred to 50 000 US dollars and allocated plots of land. I have, and there you go. For their debts Volodymyr Groysman is paying a land of Vinnitsa, i.e. again the people's land.
Firm "Youth" initiated its bankruptcy in connection with accounts payable before Vinnitskie enterprises: LLC "Bodyspecific" (EDRPOU 34483726), LLC "Interbusiness" (EDRPOU 34483747), LLC "Automobile house" (OKPO 331500704) that arose as a result of the conclusion with them of contracts of purchase and sale of securities in the amount of UAH 100 000 041.!
All these firms belong to Grassmann and they just "cheated" accounts payable and trying to cheat the bankers. Grossmann only a corrupt judge could make such decisions.
According to information of the State Commission on securities and stock market, LLC "Bodyspecific", LLC "Interbusiness", LLC "Automobile house" licenses to carry out professional activity on the stock market is not received, legal and actual addresses are not, i.e. they are "bogus"
22 December 2009 - the office of public Prosecutor of Pechersky district of Kyiv opened a criminal case No. 56-2463 for fraud in especially large sizes by part 4 of article 190 of the criminal code of Ukraine.
Dad took the dollar and went to complain to the city of Kiev, writes "ANTICOR". In the end, an investigator WITH the Pechersk RU of the MIA of Ukraine in Kiev, senior Lieutenant of militia of Basico T. A.
05.07.2010, the specified criminal case was closed.Using the office gave apartments to the city Prosecutor, the chief of police and was a "pocket".
2011 - was appointed the new Prosecutor of Vinnytsia region – he also got an apartment in the center of Vinnitsa.
Currently the whole business is designed to close relatives and friends.
Read more here... ("Conscience of Ukraine" — the defendant in the case of fraud)
here... (Groisman – protege Poroshenko, has set a record of corruption 2012)
Vinnitsa Maidan
February 2014 – during the youth of the picket at city hall of Vinnitsa Mr. Groisman was released on demand increasing in number, have already blocked the traffic on the main street of the Vinnytsia Maidan surrounded by a dozen stalwart of eminent men and was forced to answer questions from the crowd. In the process his performances, leading the mayor turned off the microphone. The moment has come hard, someone gave the alarm, the men escort the mayor quickly made the corridor, and Groisman was running down the hallway. A crowd of young people and pensioners rushed shouting after him. After a few minutes the mayor still caught himself, stopped, and began to ask them what they need, explained in his megaphone that he's not running away, but he just lied and hung up the microphone, and now he is ready to do anything to respond, if necessary, including returning to the area.
To intimidate the crowd, people from support, were presented to the crowd as they were not mercenaries, and local officials ladies — in name. Cowed by the youth from the pursuers had to "let go" of the mayor by his works.
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Poroshenko and elections
It turns out employees of Vinnytsia regional management of militia digging under Groisman . There is information that Mr. Groisman, along with his accomplices, the deputies of the city Council of Zadirko and Kravets , not quite legitimate methods influenced the course of parliamentary elections in the 11th constituency selectively (Vinnytsia ) .
In particular, these gentlemen organized the mass falsification of results of national will in favor of Dombrowski. For anybody not a secret that Groysman , and Dombrowski are people close to Poroshenko. Groisman understands that excessive attention on the part of employees of the interior Ministry are likely to result from the desire of the leadership of regionals to prove the guilt of Groisman. If so , then the police will make every effort to gather enough evidence of the crime . Therefore, our party decided to ask for protection from Poroshenko. However Poroshenko, according to some, offered Groisman independently deal with the problem.
Read more here... Repression from the mayor.
February 2014 - the citizens began to receive on their mobile phones epigrams in the form of texts critical of the predominantly then of the mayor of Vinnitsa Vladimir Groisman. Quatrains came to the cell phones of deputies of a city of the head, mid-level officials, businessmen, journalists.
Here are the contents of some of them:
Our boy was impossible. Anything and anywhere... But in the land sale Our young mayor was able to Shine.
We have high taxes: The mayor made the city roads. All this Groysman exceeded Snow... all the asphalt fell!
According to Vinnytsia journalist Artem Plesnikova, on Saturday, April 4, he received a call from the regional police Department and was invited to the office for an interview. At 12 o'clock, as recorded in the visitor register book, Artyom went to the territory control, and left it after almost 7 hours! Later at a press conference said Tom, in his questioning took an active part Deputy head of the criminal investigation region, Mr. Slobodyanyuk:
"We are not the 37th year, when for the poems, for the art, and let not the refined, though not of high professional level, well, do not reach the level of TV 95th quarter, by explicit order to attract the police. Because I was impressed with the author's position, I also sent these verses to their friends. Is it a crime?".
Assistant Plesnikova Karina Demski with the thunderstorms of the use of force by police officers are also delivered in regional UMVD:
"I was told that I had three ways: the first is home, after I write a confession, the second in the "cell" for the whole weekend. And a third territory, where I will meet "the mayor's people", which will take me into the woods and then where, may be, will find my body and head and can not find" — said at a press conference the 19-year-old girl.
According to her, she grabbed the mobile phone and copied all information. Eventually, unable to bear the pressure, she wrote a confession that she had sent epigrams (although the lawyers assert that these epigrams have no right, high, and even then at issue — a lawsuit on protection of honor and dignity). Commenting on the incident, senior inspector of Department on public relations of UMVD in Vinnytsia oblast Anna Oleynik said that the police indeed received a statement from Deputy mayor for legal Affairs Vladimir Lisinskoga. That to mobile phones of citizens EN masse were sent SMS messages containing the charges officials of the city Council of committing crimes.
The request contained the names of Mr. Plesnikova and Demski, therefore, in accordance with the requirements of the criminal procedural code of Ukraine, the statement was registered, and his trial entrusted to the staff of criminal investigation Department. To check set out in the statements of facts in the Ministry of internal Affairs for questioning were invited Vlasnikov and Demsky. From the words of Anna Oleynik, the individuals were not arrested with them were interviewed, as no questioning, no action on the part of police officers to restrict the freedom, physical and moral pressure was not carried out, no threats from the management staff towards Demski did not sound. Therefore, AMIA believes the common Plesnikova and Demski false information. This was not commented on why the invitation came on Saturday, and stay Plesnikova and Demski, specified in the visitor register book with the signature of the authorized operations, not true.
Their position was voiced and Vinnytsia human rights defenders. In particular, coordinator of Vinnytsia human rights group Dmitry Groisman believes that the people referred to in the SMS message may have been frustrating to read such assessments of its activities, but in accordance with article 10 of Euroconvention such statements do not entail legal responsibility with regard to democratic values. The actions of employees of militia, namely the detention of a person in police Protocol without proper registration for more than three hours violates article 5 of Euroconvention. Taking this opportunity, Vinnytsia human rights activists appealed to the city head Vladimir Groisman with a request to develop tolerance and tolerance in relation to critical judgments concerning such areas as municipal administration. Commented on the situation and the Deputy of the Vinnytsia city mayor Volodymyr Slesinski, stating the following:
"There is the Constitution. There is a law about mass media, press, television and broadcasting. Then, tell whether the operation of these laws to SMS? If not, then why hide behind journalistic activities?".
Now law enforcement bodies solve a question on excitation of criminal case. The author may offend the officials of poetry, according to regional police, still did not find. And Artem Vlasnikov promises to appeal to the Prosecutor General and the European court. To petition, in his opinion, actions of employees of militia, the use of city head Volodymyr Groisman his official position to put pressure on the journalist.
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From 1 July 2014 - Kiev must sign contract for hot water and heating directly from "Kievenergo". This is a requirement of the law,which the Verkhovna Rada adopted quickly in the period of pre-election hype.
People explain that now the payment will be about the same as for electricity. But with the light more or less clear- the fee was set and the people pay the meter readings. In the case of heating and hot water for direct contracts will cause a lot of problems, and problems are practically insoluble. That's just "extreme", according to the "law," is not found.
The problem is that in Kiev only 48% of homes have communal meters for water and heat.
In those houses where there is no such meters there is a big chance that people will steal in large amounts. "Kievenergo" and "Kyivvodocanal" will need to be in record time to install communal meters where there are none.
Worse is the case of those who do not have even room counters, in such cases, there will be nearly five and a half cubic meters of water per capita. According to new tariffs that will be released in a lump sum.
The law Groisman absolutely no account of the poor state of municipal infrastructure and lack of relations with tenants Hoo, he did, in practice, impossible in the case of houses in which there is a housing cooperative (housing cooperative) and condominium (Association of apartment owners). Any lawyer residing in this house will prove that this act contradicts existing legislation in terms of freedom of concluding agreements by economic entities.
While Kyivenergo and Hoo fighting each other for financial flows from payment for communal services, the population that regularly pays, will remain without water and without heat.
So, what will get people in the dry residue:
- increase of rent; - the rates increase significantly for water and heat; - large probability to remain without water and heat shook the old hands; - guilty not to find.
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According to the Jewish website “as the head of the municipality Groysman was actively involved in establishing ties with Israel”. Read more here...
According to former Knesset member Alex Miller, close friend with Groisman, if elected to the post of Deputy Prime Minister, he will be able to strengthen the connections between Kiev and Jerusalem. "Being the most popular mayor of Vinnitsa, he signed a twining agreement with bat-Yam, visited Israel, had established contacts with our business. In the winery thanks to his assistance opened a modern diagnostic center in a critical role which was played by the Centre for international cooperation and assistance (MASHAV) of the Israeli foreign Ministry, which, incidentally, organized the training and education of medical staff. Groisman wanted his city has become an example of cooperation between the foreign ministries of Israel and Ukrainian local authorities and he did it," said Miller in an interview with the portal IzRus.