Why are US Senators more worried about foreign affairs the domestic ones?

A member of the U.S. Senate from Idaho James Risch said in an interview with Voice of America that the sanctions against Russia must be deepened. According to policy, the current US government basically has not taken Moscow against any restrictive measures which the Russian authorities have decided that they can "act with impunity".

"I think [the sanctions] to some extent, still act, but "to the extent" in this situation would be enough, – the politician said in an interview with VoA. – A need to take a much tougher stance than the one we are in now. Therefore, in my opinion, [the sanctions] must be deepened".
Of course US sanctions haven't work in any country to much extent. But Congressmen and Senators are lobbied on these affairs and act on them to serve in the interests of their corporate backers.
"It seems to me that the U.S. and other countries have a lot of experience in sanctions and how they operate negatively both ways, and, apparently, we could do much more than we are doing now, but the EU seems to be doomed to fail as a direct result. And this, in my opinion, it would never be very useful in order to attract Moscow's attention and let her know that we are in very serious adventurism with her views and actions they have taken in recent years", – said Riesch.
"Until someone has something that is not taken, there is no doubt that similar things will happen again and again. This is what history teaches us, and that in this case, and has occurred: in fact, in response to Russia's actions if we did not impose any sanctions, and as a result,we falter when they have claims on Crimea, on Ukraine and in any other place. Moscow is convinced that such a thing could be done with impunity, especially when the government that we have is now disintegrating which, and of course, will change for the worse very soon", – said the Senator.