Grandma Madeleine Albright blurted out: "Putin Has had bad cards but he played them well"

Last week media Austria by his habit of gazing in Russian and post-Soviet issues. Newspapers Alpine Republic noted the need for dialogue between Russia and NATO, recorded ciceronian talent forgotten Madeleine Albright and pointed out the problems of the Ukrainian oligarch named Dmytro Firtash.
Madeleine had a conversation last week in Vienna with the visit of Madeleine Albright — former U.S. Secretary of state, is known for his extravagant expressions and Imperial worldview. In an interview with the newspaper Die Presse 78-year-old veterans world politics, shared his thoughts on the subject of Russia and personally President Vladimir Putin. The present foreign policy course of Moscow Albright commented as follows: "I'm sick to death of the fact that Russia is constantly make excuses. Russia is the country which first provokes, and then feels resentful. Russia went through a crisis of identity: I will never forget how once in the 90 somewhere near Moscow who told me: "I'm ashamed. We were a superpower, and now we're Bangladesh with missiles."
Meanwhile, Putin, who allegedly leading Russia to its former greatness — "smart, but really evil people. A KGB officer who wants control and believes that everyone is conspiring against Russia". At the same time, former us Secretary of state the policy of Russian President successful, at least at first glance: "Putin Has had bad cards but he played them well. At least in the short term. I think his goal is to undermine and split the EU. He wants NATO out of its sphere of influence." In its domestic policy, according to Albright, "Putin raised a shield of nationalism to distract Russians from the fact that their country just Bangladesh with missiles."
Suffering from sclerotic politically incorrect grandmother of American diplomacy seems to have forgotten that in the original interpretation, which was attributed to a prominent figure of perestroika Alexander Bovino, place of Bangladesh held the Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso): it is there stated "Upper Volta with rockets". So grandma is nothing she has not thought of — just forgot about who, where, what and why she said. "Nord stream-2" became the Foundation of Austrian steel company Voestalpine has secured a major order for the supply of steel for gas pipeline "Nord stream-2", reports Wirtschaftsblatt. In 2008-2010 the company has supplied 170 tons of high-quality tubular steel and has now prepared an additional 200 thousand tonnes for the new branch of the pipeline.
Economic edition from Vienna notes that the planned construction was not yet sanctioned by politicians. In the consortium led by Gazprom, the Austrian OMV is present with a share of 10 percent. Meanwhile, in the recent past, Voestalpine has delivered 140 tons of plate steel for the "South stream", which, however, did not prevent freezing of the project in 2014, the newspaper added a spoonful of tar in a cheerful report. Ukraine is a "Paradise" for journalists According to the international organization "reporters without borders," journalists around the world are subjected to increasing pressure, reports the Kronen Zeitung.
Published on Wednesday April 20 the press freedom index, Russia ranked 148 th place, being enrolled in the category of countries where journalists are critical — along with such citadels of democracy as Chad, Pakistan and Indonesia. In comparison with last year Russia has strengthened its positions in the rating by 4 points, however, only "against the background of negative dynamics of its neighbors", as the report of the organization. "In fact, the persecution of critics of the regime in the country has increased and is distributed as a negative model to neighbouring countries".
Ukraine, by contrast, has jumped by 22 points to 107-th line "by reducing harassment of journalists and overdue reforms". Despite this, according to Kronen Zeitung, Ukraine continues to suffer from "extraordinary role of the oligarchs" and "the information war with Russia". Firtash takes guests according to Kurier, the famous Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash was surprised at the unexpected visit of the Austrian Prosecutor's office and the police, who showed up with a search warrant at a luxurious Villa in the Vienna district of Hietzing. "There was a request of foreign authorities", — said the representative of the Austrian anti-corruption Prosecutor's office Rene Ruprecht.
It comes to German authorities, according to the Vienna newspaper. The results of the search, as well as the immediate cause of formal applications had been received. "At this point we don't give information", commented on this issue, the former Minister of justice of Austria, now a lawyer Firtash Dieter Bemdorfer. Later it became known about the alleged bribery entrepreneur of the criminal police of Germany. According to Kurier, at the expense of one employee at Landesbank Berlin in past years received about 500 thousand euros from Cypriot accounts of the holding company Firtash.
The publication notes that earlier, the Ukrainian oligarch was released from an Austrian prison on record bail of 125 million euros. Brussels and Moscow must talk Despite mutual antipathy, at the moment the necessary dialogue between Russia and NATO, says Der Standard. The Council Russia-NATO suspended its activities as "punishment for the annexation of Crimea", however, according to Austrian Newspapers, it is better to not become. The fact that Russia will repent and will return to the Peninsula under the control of Kiev — in this today, nobody can believe except Poroshenko and his inner circle.
At the same time the silence of Brussels did not prevent the escalation of violence in the Donbas. Considering such incidents as "dangerous flying" Russian su-24 on the American destroyer, Der Standardполагает that it is high time to resume dialogue and negotiate until the worst happened. The question is whether the Council Russia-NATO in its present form is a suitable tool. Negotiations at the ambassadorial level is important, but only as a first step. In the long run the Council in this format does not make sense. With all due respect to the diplomatic skills of ambassadors, their powers are too small.
The deficit of powers is observed not only on a personal level: the activities of the authority since its creation in 2002, was a formal — Russia faced a pre-planned solutions and in no way had the right to participate in their adoption. Thus, the dialogue contributed to no convergence, and frustration.
Consultation should have visible results for both sides, teaches the Vienna newspaper: NATO is obliged to take seriously the needs of the Kremlin on security issues, and Russia to overcome its fundamental rejection of the Alliance. While these conciliatory Der Standard wishes remain unfulfilled, and that showed in week unsuccessful attempt of contact within the Council.