After the change of power, Ukraine will need denazification, — Zakharchenko

Ukraine after the change of power in the country will need denazification and trial of the perpetrators of the coup and the civil war.
This opinion was expressed by the Head of the DND Alexander Zakharchenko today, as part of an online conference with residents of Odessa and Bessarabia.
"The first step for the future of Ukraine should be cleansed from the evil that consumed him after the "Maidan". I think the focus should be on de-Nazification, at least. Of course, this should lead to the trial of criminals, who staged an armed coup and civil war," — said Zakharchenko.
The President of Armenia stressed once again that after the change of government Ukraine will have to gather again, considering the position of each of the regions of the country to enable people in the regions to define a desirable future for them".
"Regions — with all their historic, cultural and economic diversity needs to decide for themselves whether they want to remain part of Ukraine, and if so, what. People have to decide. At the regional referendum", — summed up the head of the Republic.
Denazification is a set of activities aimed at the purification of post-war society, culture, press, economy, education, law, and policy from the influence of the Nazi ideology. Denazification was carried out after the Second world war at the initiative of the allies after the victory over Nazi Germany and relied on the decisions of the Potsdam conference.