Putin Offers Free Land To Foreigners

Land in Russia’s far eastern wilderness is being offered for free to both Russians and non-Russian nationals wishing to settle in the region.
The land will be handed over to Russians and foreigners who want to build homes or start businesses in agriculture or tourism in the region.
After five years, foreign nationals will be able to apply for naturalization as Russian citizens and acquire full property rights to the land they have been working.
The plots on offer are 2.5 acres in size and are located in an enormous region stretching from the Arctic Circle to the Chinese border, where winter temperatures can drop to a freezing -47 degrees celsius and population density currently stands at three people per square kilometre.

Response. Currently, in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin, the Ministry is developing a mechanism of allocation of land plots on the territory of the far Eastern Federal district for use by citizens of the Russian Federation residing in the territory of the Far East, or planning the move to the far East.
In the framework of implementation of the said order, the Ministry is preparing drafts of normative legal acts, in particular, on the development of the territories of the Far East through the involvement of unused land plots into civil turnover.
However, the mechanism of land use by the citizens and subjects of small and average business, will be implemented in the laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, members of the far Eastern Federal district.
Taking into account the timing of the development and adoption of regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Russia jointly with interested Executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is planning the introduction of a mechanism for granting land to certain subjects (in the territory of individual regions) relations by the end of 2015.
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