Poroshenko — a war criminal who is waiting for his Tribunal — Johan Backman

Today Donbass is the heart of anti-American resistance, and the new Russia — the vanguard of the struggle for democracy and freedom of speech.
Such opinion in interview "Politnavigator" stated the official representative of DNR in Finland Erkki Johan Backman, a Finnish social scientist, essayist, gained fame in the articles about Russian relations with Finland and the Baltic countries. Education — doctor in social and political Sciences. Holds the rank of associate Professor in three universities in Finland. Positioning himself a human rights activist, Chairman of the "anti-fascist Committee of Finland", Eurasian co-chair of the popular front, member of the Presidium of the NGO "World without Nazism".
Author of articles on organized crime in Russia and about the relationship between Finland, the Soviet Union, Russia, Estonia. Since 2009 has been active in Affairs related to the work of the guardianship of Finland, — the cases of removal of children from Russian-speaking families.

29 Jul 2014 Beckman was appointed official representative of the Donetsk people's Republic in Finland. As he said Beckman, one of the objectives of his work in this position, he puts the exposure of appearing in Finnish media of false information about events in Ukraine and around it. The human rights activist has never hidden his Pro-Russian sentiments. Thinks that DNR and LNR are fighting for truth and justice. Repeatedly visited DNR.
With the direct participation of Beckman in 2014 in Finland was openly official representation of the DNI. Moreover, according to Beckmann, in the activities of the representative office (information support DNR) took part supporters of the social democratic party, is a member and the Minister for foreign Affairs of Finland. In may 2015, the Finnish authorities have declared illegal the DNR office. Johan Backman was sending Finnish volunteers, humanitarian aid, goods for the army of the DNI.
"Politnavigator" Why did You decide to come to Donbass?
Johan Backman: Today Donbass is the heart of anti-American resistance. Novorossiya today is the vanguard of the struggle for freedom of people, democracy, freedom of speech. It is necessary now to support young Donetsk and Lugansk people's Republic. The US aggression against Europe is increasing. We need hope. And this is the new Russia gives us hope. I recall that in the Donbass today there is an international anti-fascist front, including people of different nationalities. This is the new Spain in 1936. Unfortunately, we're going to a major war because America wants to put on his knees not only Europe but all of Eurasia. The United States is very unhappy that they failed to make a "color" revolution in Moscow. So they are now and kill civilians of Donbass with heavy weapons – America's very afraid of supporters of the new Russia.
"Politnavigator" What are Your impressions of Donbass?
Johan Beckman: Life in the Donetsk and Luhansk people's Republics develops in a positive way. Many people have already returned home. But the war continues, continues the genocide of civilians by the Ukrainian troops. I am pleased that the leadership of the Donetsk people's Republic active talented patriots, such as Natalia Nikonorova, Denis Vladimirovich Pushilin and others. They are fighters for freedom and justice. They are kind, smart, invincible. It felt right. New Republic cause a lot of interest among those people who appreciate the truth, value justice.
"Politnavigator" what is the attitude of the Finnish media to the events in Ukraine?
Johan Beckman: Finnish, as the Western media, doing mostly hostile propaganda in the interests of the United States, against the national interests of Donbass. Our government actively prohibits the broadcasting of any information about the existence of DND and LNR. For example, the head of the press service of the government of Finland Mr. Markku Mantila performs regularly with slogans that no DNR exists, and there is no representation of the Republic of Finland .
"Politnavigator" ordinary Finns think about the Donbass?
Johan Backman: I Think the Finns understand that the Donbass is a popular uprising, the uprising of Novorossiya. I even know that many Finnish volunteers come to you in order to resist fascism. They believe, as well as I do that the Donbass and Novorossiya today is the heart of Russia.
"Politnavigator" When Ukraine will be in European Union?
Johan Backman: No Ukraine no. It is impossible to take a non-existent state.
"Politnavigator" When the West recognizes Crimea as part of Russia?
Johan Backman: I think the right question should be: when the West recognizes the DNI and the LC? I think only after the collapse of the EU and NATO. And this, by the way, will happen soon. Crimea is already in Russia, so it doesn't matter what he thinks about the West. Better let the West think about the coming inevitable collapse of the EU and NATO.

"Politnavigator" In the current situation, federalization is a way out for Ukraine? What is the future of a federated Ukraine?
Johan Beckman: I am surprised that even in the Donbas is so much talk about Ukraine. I think that it is incorrect to speak about this country as an independent political entity. What you call Ukraine – a Pro-Nazi occupation regime of the United States. And this regime has no future.
"Politnavigator" How to force Poroshenko to implement the Minsk agreements?
Johan Beckman: His main work is the fulfillment of the Minsk agreements and at the same time blaming others is that they supposedly violate them. So, Poroshenko will never fulfill the Minsk agreements. He is a war criminal, he is waiting for the Tribunal in the style of Nuremberg. And be sure such a Tribunal will be held. By the way, Poroshenko knows it. Just look at his eyes – for them to see how much he is afraid.
Ukrainian criminals are not punished. Not punished and the perpetrators of the crime on 2 may 2014 in Odessa. Moreover, they support the United States. What do you think, how these criminals can be prosecuted? How should they be punished? Fair justice must be done. The guilty must be punished. You need to create a special Tribunal and to organize the work of the investigation. Then we can talk about capital punishment. Incidentally, associate Professor of criminology – can help.
"Politnavigator" As sanctions imposed by Finland against Russia affected the economy of Finland?
Johan Backman: Finland no of sanctions was not going to enter. Sanctions for Finland entered the European Union. The decision was made even without the participation of the Finnish Minister. Simple Finns, of course, didn't mean to, because for us the sanctions could simply have deadly consequences. Most of all today, affected farmers, who are not guilty of anything.

"Politnavigator" How independent is the policy of the government of Finland in relation to Ukraine and Russia?
Johan Backman: In relation to Ukraine, the Finns can be no policy, because Ukraine, as I said above, does not exist. Yes, in Helsinki OPG is Bandera, which bills itself as the "Embassy of Ukraine". In fact they represent the interests of the United States. By the way, there are extremely primitive people – provocateurs. Finns know very well what is Ruthenia. In Finnish it's "Vähä-Venäjä". In relation to Russia, Finland is a constructive policy. Russian-Finnish relations recently developing positively and at the highest level. Often our presidents communicate. Let me remind you that Finland is not a NATO member, and 70-80% of Finns do not support membership in the Alliance.
At the same time Finland wants to maintain constructive relations with Russia, US, EU, NATO and all the neighbors. This is our traditional policy. We are very ashamed to see the behavior of the Baltic countries with their anti-Russian provocations. Of course, we have our own problem of Russophobia, especially in the press. But we'll manage. By the way, recently Poroshenko canceled his visit to Finland. After all, the Finns initially reacted very negatively to such an idea.