Fukushima: The Video That'll Change Everything You Thought You Knew
The Nuclear Fallout Is Slowly Cooking America

Radiation levels on the western seaboard are up to 50,000% higher than last year.
In March 2011 a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. The original story was that only 3 partial meltdowns – now we know it was a full core reactor meltdown. The site now has enough radiation to kill a person within four hours if exposed.
It has been speculated that until recently 300 tons (around 75,000 gallons or 270,000 litres) of water a day was filtering through the reactors and seeping into the sea contaminating the Pacific Ocean. That is nearly 33,000 tons of radioactive water that has entered our Oceans from the site since 2011. This is on top of the 400 tons a day that the clean up team have been pumping into the damaged reactors and storing on site in metal tanks.
Many have criticised these tanks as being unsecure and leaks have already been found. If another earthquake hit about magnitude 6/7 then all the tanks would most likely rupture. Fukushima has more than a million tonnes of radioactive water on site as a result of the cleaning process. “The tanks have been put together very quickly, there is no guarantee they will last – the seals are made of rubber and the joints and bolts are corroding. They not last more than five years.”
All of these tanks are on top of a hill, the hill runs right down into the ocean – if for any reason these tanks burst over a million tons of radioactive water will be dumped into the sea. One of the radioactive materials being leaked is iodine 129; the half-life is 15.7 million years. Watch the video at the below of the page for more information.

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Fukushima has more than a million tonnes of radioactive water on site as a result of the cleaning process.
Despite all this Japan still want to pursue nuclear energy with plans recently revealed to restart two Atomic reactors at the Takahama nuclear power plant two days after pro nuclear power Prime Minister Shinzo Abe won the election. In opinion polls 60% of people were against the restarts.
In America radiation levels on the western seaboard are up to 50,000% higher than last year. Enviro Reporter has explained that the "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency RadNet radiation monitors have detected renewed surges in atmospheric readings of dangerous beta radiation across the country.”
Environmental health director Dean Peterson was quick to denounce that this level of radiation poses any risk to human health. Petterson has admitted he is “befuddled” regarding the radiations source – but he denies Fukushima could be the cause. In a HMB Review interview Peterson said; "I honestly think the end result of this is that it's just higher levels of background radiation." He added, “red-painted disposable eating utensils can also contribute to localized radiation spikes.” I personally do not buy that... Either way the result of the Fukushima meltdown has caused monumental damage to our environment.
More @ Source:http://www.neonnettle.com/videos/438-fukushima-the-video-that-ll-change-everything-you-thought-you-knew