Why Europe is giving money to Ukraine – a known state bandit?
NEWS. EVENTS. | 07.12.2016

Today in the Ukrainian media turned the discussion of the results of the European audit, as reflected in the special report of the European court of auditors "European Union Assistance to Ukraine", presented on 6 December 2016.
The auditors worked in two directions, exploring:
– the effectiveness of EU assistance to Ukraine in improving financial management and fighting corruption;
– the effectiveness of EU assistance to Ukraine in improving governance in the gas sector and the security of Russian gas supplies to Europe.
The validation period covered the period 2007-2015. The main conclusions reached by the European audit are as follows:
– Ukraine has the Europe's largest shadow economy – about 44% of GDP is "in the shadows";
– Ukraine is "still perceived as the most corrupt country in Europe" (the report States that credible experience in the investigation of corruption at the highest level there are still);
– Ukraine continues to be a state run by oligarchs. "Oligarchic clans, which received significant development after the proclamation of Ukraine's independence, continue to dominate the economy, politics and the media";
– political decisions of the Ukrainian authorities are taken under the influence of vested interests;
– law enforcement agencies remain dependent from the government and from the oligarchy (as stated in the report, the government campaign started against the oligarchs in 2015 and involves a series of investigations was "controversial").
"EU assistance to Ukraine has a limited impact, despite the reforms. The obtained results are still fragile," – according to European auditors. Under the "limited influence" means that the money allocated by Europe (5,019 billion euros, of which 68% were loans, and 32% of grants), did not lead to the desired results, that is, the degree of corruption of the new Ukrainian government after the coup has not diminished.
Although the auditors tried to portray at least some success postmaydannoy Ukraine, the report makes it clear that there is no success. European money are falling in a bottomless pit (Kyiv would like to have from the Western "friends" of the annual allowance in the amount of 35 billion US dollars) and completely disappear in this barrel. Thus, according to the audit in 2014 showed only half of the European funds allocated for assistance to Ukrainian budget – the other half went to wander off-budget funds, of which the catch means has been extremely difficult.
The question arises: why Europe gives money to Ukraine, although he recognizes the Ukrainian government the "most corrupt" under the power of oligarchic clans, the struggle with which does not bring results? What we can say, if the President of Ukraine – the oligarch, earn in the war with Donbass?
The report of the auditors of the EU contains clear answers to these questions. First, the greater part of Europe lends to Ukraine and, accordingly, is interested in returning loans, and for that it required control over the financial management of the Ukrainian side. Second, the main Ukrainian interest is a pipeline through which the EU gets gas from Russia. "The EU aims to support the transit of gas through Ukraine", – is directly stated in the report of the European auditors. And therefore puts the EU in Ukraine is to have accurate real-time data about the state of Affairs as in "Naftogaz", and directly in the "tube".
The political task of the Brussels (and Washington) - to save the Ukrainian transit and your control over it. If not for "a unified foreign policy agenda" of the EU towards Russia, dictated by the Americans, the construction of alternative pipelines could deprive Ukraine of the status of the European favorite, which you can forgive all corruption, the power of the oligarchs, bloody coup. In this sense Ukraine is lucky: while remaining essentially a state bandit, yet she is forcing Europe to cling to the pipe.
Sob. Q. FSK
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Tags: Ukraine The European Union