“The word terrorism … is now being used by the world’s biggest terrorists Washington DC and Tel Aviv
Terrifying truth about terror finally told on TV By Kevin Barrett on June 7, 2016 Its a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it I love...

Election Fraud Watch 2016
LA Voters Fear Ballots Won’t Count, Chaos in California: Posted on June 8, 2016 by truthfirst12013 This was not an election, it was a...

Trump or Clinton, Americans are Screwed Either Way
After disaster strikes, it often turns out that there were several contributing factors behind it. Looking back, though, there was...

A Russian warning
We, the undersigned, are Russians living and working in the USA. We have been watching with increasing anxiety as the current US and NATO...

Hillary "Soprano" Clinton to be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges
Hillary Clinton to be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges Sunday, May 29, 2016 15:28 (Before It's News) The Racketeer Influenced and...

Blatant self-interest and hegemony results in poverty and devastated economies
From Albrecht To Monsanto: A System Not Run For The Public Good Can Never Serve The Public Good The following extract is from the 2011...

Government Report on Clinton Email Scandal Much Worse Than Expected
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi in Washington, D.C., on Oct....

The Great Leap Backward: America’s Illegal Wars on the World
Can we face it in this election season? America is a weapons factory, the White House a war room, and the president the manager of the...

Saudi Press Just Accused US Govt Of Blowing Up World Trade Centers As Pretext To Perpetual War
By Jay Syrmopoulos In response to the U.S. Senate’s unanimous vote to allow 9/11 victims’ families to sue Saudi Arabia in federal court,...

US, UK, and EU, Are Now Zionist Dictatorships
ERIC ZUESSE | 22.05.2016 | WORLD US, UK, and EU, Are Now Dictatorships How can it be that in virtually all of the Presidential-candidate...