Washington and the NATO Generals are trying to provoke Russia into Nuclear War
The Europeans Are Going to Revolt Against NATO By F. William Engdahl Russian Insider Sunday, Jul 10, 2016 The NATO summit in Warsaw is a...

Hillary Clinton disqualifies herself
John KassContact Reporter Hillary Clinton has disqualified herself from the presidency. No matter what your tribal politics may be, after...

Ex-DOJ official: 'It's a very sad day for rule of law'
FBI Director James Comey excoriated Hillary Clinton’s use of private email servers to send and receive messages with extremely sensitive...

Obama proposes new military partnership with Russia / Plan F.
I hope you reserved me a room in your country guys. Hillary is greeted by Russian officials of whom extracted her from Washington after a...

U.S. elections: Would Trump isolationism be music to Moscow’s ears?
Amid the noisy clamor around the Republican Party’s presidential candidate Donald Trump’s often embarrassing slips of the tongue and...

Putin warned Trump to expect ‘dirty tricks like we’ve already seen, and much worse‘
Putin Warns Trump ‘New World Order Out To Get You’ Posted on June 19, 2016 by Baxter Dmitry in News Brave Vladimir Putin has delivered a...

Democrats Now Controlled By Oil-Funded Lobbying Companies
(RINF) – An information society is a thing of curiosity. A human has always been dependent on the public opinion turning eventually into...

Is the federal government is so big today that local representatives are better-suited ?
State and local tyrants are still tyrants. Veronique de Rugy from the July 2016 issue - view article in the Digital Edition What do home...

If elected, Clinton said, she would increase social-media surveillance.
CLINTON CALLS ON TECH COMPANIES TO FIGHT ISIS PROPAGANDA The Democratic candidate says the U.S. needs an “intelligence surge”—and she...

Worst Economy In 5,000 Years?
Source: http://www.globalresearch.ca/worst-economy-in-5000-years/5529911 #BRICS #Agenda2030 #Brexit #Financial #BoycottIsrael #News #BDS...