Putin warned Trump to expect ‘dirty tricks like we’ve already seen, and much worse‘
Putin Warns Trump ‘New World Order Out To Get You’
Posted on June 19, 2016 by Baxter Dmitry in News

Brave Vladimir Putin has delivered a scathing attack on the New World Order and warned Donald Trump that the ‘secret cabal’ have him ‘in their crosshairs.’
‘There is a secret cabal above the elected rulers of your country, they have very clear goals for the next couple of years…They do not want you to be President, and they are conspiring against you.‘
President Putin hasn’t endorsed Trump, but any enemy of the New World Order is a friend of the Russian President’s, and he had a few words of warning to share with Trump when they spoke on the phone on Friday.
Putin warned Trump to expect ‘dirty tricks like we’ve already seen, and much worse‘ according to a Kremlin source, warning him that elite members of the GOP, his own party, are currently plotting against him and will attempt to take away his nomination for the presidency.
‘The elites will do whatever it takes to stop you thwarting them,’ Putin said, according to sources, hinting at a possible assassination plot should Trump’s campaign continue gaining momentum.
‘The elites have chosen Hillary [Clinton], the whole world has seen in her emails that the Democrats chose her as their nominee over a year ago and the election over [Bernie] Sanders was a farce.’
It is understood that Putin said if the exit polls differed from the official results by so wide a margin in a Russian election, the Western media would be shouting about election fraud and corruption.
Asked about the presumptive Republican nominee for president while taking questions at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum, Putin again described Trump as a “flamboyant” or “colorful” man, using a Russian word – “яркий” – that can be translated in different ways, from gaudy to striking to dazzling.
“But here’s where I will pay close attention, and where I exactly welcome and where on the contrary I don’t see anything bad: Mr Trump has declared that he’s ready for the full restoration of Russian-American relations. Is there anything bad there? We all welcome this, don’t you?”
In an annual press conference with his countrymen last April, Putin expressed skepticism about the American electoral process, which he believes is corrupt – elite family clans taking turns occupying the White House. He also hinted how he personally saw Hillary Clinton.
‘First there was Bush senior in power, then Bush junior. [Bill] Clinton was [U.S. President] two times in a row, now his wife has ambitions. Again, the family might stay in power. As they say in Russia, a husband and a wife are the same Satan.’

Neither side of the political establishment want Trump anywhere near the White House. The mainstream media are vilifying him. In short, the sock puppets of the New World Order are united against him. They have a lot to lose if somebody who isn’t playing by their rules takes control.
It is not known if Putin received this information from Guccifer, the anti-Illuminati hacker who accessed Hillary Clinton’s emails, or whether the inside information came from another source. What is clear however is that Putin has been vocal about destroying the New World Order’s chokehold over global economics and geopolitics, and he is determined to see this through.
In Russia there is an old saying that roughly translates as ‘If you don’t understand the past, you won’t be able to understand the present, or shape the future.’ Putin lives by this saying. According to sources he has been studying the history of the New World Order so he can understand their plans and destroy the invasive organisation before its roots and branches spread too far and wide around the world and it becomes too late.