July 7th, 2017 There was nothing much to say, Hillary had already given the Russians access to our uranium to help them in their nuclear...

EX CIA Robert David Steele In Oslo – McCain, Graham, Rubio and Schumer Are All Being Blackmailed
Editor / 2 mins ago I was invited by Mr Steele to rebroadcast this message on our channel to get the word our. There’s a lot to be said...

Hill: Albright promised to "accept Islam" for the sake of Her Killing of Muslims
Former U.S. Secretary of state and war criminal Madeleine Albright expressed readiness "to register as a Muslim". So she reacted to the...

Watch Ron Paul- Repeal sec. 1021 of National Defense Authorization Act of 2012...
Watch Ron Paul- Repeal sec. 1021 of National Defense Authorization Act of 2012... 18 January 2012 Mr. Speaker, I rise today to introduce...

BREAKING: Major KGB Announcement From Putin About Donald Trump, New US President!
RI Breaking News Desk This is not Fake News. This is a serious announcement available exclusively to Russia Insider by our insider in KGB...

Experts Destroy White House ‘Proof’ of Russian Hacking
31SaturdayDec 2016 Two expert analyses from the intelligence community are destroying the Obama administration’s “proof” of Russian...

The Biggest Secret of David Icke (Full Movie)
David Icke's history and beliefs. This is 2.5 hour film (by Chris White) that takes a very close look at David Icke's history and...

Putin To Obama about Hacking: show it or shut up.
Putin To Obama: If You Lie About Me One More Time Russia Will… POLITICS December 18, 2016 Vladimir Putin has had enough of being accessed...

The CIA’s Absence of Conviction
11 Dec, 2016 in Uncategorized by craig I have watched incredulous as the CIA’s blatant lie has grown and grown as a media story –...

How Brutally Ineffective the US Military Machine has Become
Column: Politics Region: USA in the World The less time the Obama aministration has till the end of its term, the more dirty secrets that...