BREAKING: Major KGB Announcement From Putin About Donald Trump, New US President!

RI Breaking News Desk
This is not Fake News.
This is a serious announcement available exclusively to Russia Insider by our insider in KGB HQ in Moscow.
We repeat, this is serious news; it's not fake news similar to garbage published by CNN, MSNBC, BBC and other presstitutes.
Here's the official KGB press release:
"Yesterday at 6pm Moscow time one of the most successful KGB operations ended.
Donat Ivanovich Trolstoyevski, KGB sleeper agent, became president of the USA.
Congratulations to the KGB, and glory to genius comrade Putin!
Donat Ivanovich, your final order - make mother Russia great again!"
When "Islamists" kill citizens of the developed world - that's a terrorist atrocity, the world is outraged and all those killed are remembered with two minutes of silence! When America kills over two million Muslims in developing nations of the third world, destroying the lives of tens of millions more - that's collateral damage of the "War on Terror" and no-one cares. On the morning of 9/11, shortly after the attacks, Israeli PM Ehud Barak appeared at the BBC World Studio in London. He presented a list of Israel's enemies to the world and declared them all to be state sponsors of terrorism. He then called for an international American led "War on Terror!" America’s “War on Terror” has now killed over two million people, it has devastated the Muslim world from Libya to Afghanistan and generated a refugee crisis on a scale not seen since the end of the last World War - events which have dramatically increased the presence of terrorism worldwide. After fifteen years of war, invasion, occupation, bank bailouts, black budgets, tax cuts for the rich and endless "aid to Israel" - the public now find themselves nineteen trillion dollars in debt! The US dollar replaced the British pound as the world reserve currency after the Second World War. The current petro-dollar world economic system was put in place by the Nixon administration and Saudi Arabia after the manufactured Yom Kippur war and oil crisis of 1973. In the new system Saudi, and OPEC oil, is only sold for US dollars. This strengthens the dollar giving it value, in itself, as a commodity needed for exchange, thus, allowing America to export currency in return for material goods imported from the rest of the world. However, rather that print this currency themselves, the US government actually borrows it, at interest, from the federal reserve bank – a private corporation. They must then meet their loan repayments to the bank either by raising taxes, selling national assets or by borrowing more money. Every time the bank produces more currency out of thin air - it is actually stealing it from the public in the form of lost value from wages and savings - this is called inflation. The new currency, in the form of minted coins, printed paper, and digital data, is then loaned to the public at interest. The governments recent "bank bailout" policies - whereby massive amounts of new currency is produced and then handed over to the large financial institutions - is all paid for by an increasingly impoverished public through rising inflation. The governments policies of "free trade" have allowed manufacturing plants to re-locate overseas - where lower wages, longer working hours, and reduced health and safety concerns - significantly lower the cost of production. These consumer goods can then be sold at vastly inflated prices greatly increasing corporate profits. Since many of these corporations fund political campaigns and careers the government continues to support globalisation despite rising unemployment and social degradation. The resulting socio-economic shift from manufacturing to a service sector economy has firmly fixed the petro-dollar system at the heart of economic stability in the West. Oil is the life-blood of the system: it fuels transportation, agriculture and the military/industrial complex; it is vital for chemical, pharmaceutical and food production; it is also the primary raw material necessary for the manufacture of plastics - essential for so many modern day applications. The system needs oil and the establishment will fabricate terror attacks, bomb foreign countries, wage illegal wars and destroy the natural environment to ensure its continued supply. Much of this oil resides within USCENTCOM, i.e., the Middle East and Central Asia. A volatile region filled with regimes viewed as hostile to US interests. It was decided that "The American way of life" must be defended through a policy of regime change within this region. A policy which, in many cases, would require direct military action. Since openly declaring the new policy of what amounts to "blood for oil" might have upset the consumer public - perhaps even causing some to question the popular corporate slogans "have fun" and "enjoy yourself" - it was determined that a new “pearl harbour style event” was required. A massive "Islamist" terror attack which would allow America to wage unlimited, perpetual war within USCENTCOM in “self-defence”. A modern day crusade for consumerism comfortably labelled a “War on Terror!” A title coined by Israeli PM Ehud Barak on 9/11 - when he called for all Western powers to wage war upon the Muslim world. A title that allows an uncaring fully desensitised consumer society to continue to "chill", "have fun" and "just enjoy it" in wilful ignorance and mindless denial of the blood, suffering and destruction that feeds their lifestyle.