July 7th, 2017 There was nothing much to say, Hillary had already given the Russians access to our uranium to help them in their nuclear...

Chomsky: Russian hysteria is making the US an international laughing stock "Russia Hysteria Is
A very sad time to be an American lately... #Aleppo #Politics #Warcrimes

Hillary Clinton lost the political race, the so-called Clinton email scandal continues to smolder th
MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, NEW WORLD DISORDER Untold Story of Clinton Foundation’s Ties with Defense Contractors FEBRUARY 28, 2017...

Castigating Trump for Truth-Telling
Exclusive: President Trump says much that is untrue, but he draws some of Official Washington’s greatest opprobrium when he speaks the...

Employee of Corruption Magnet Debbie Wasserman Schultz Under Criminal Investigation
The Democratic Party is no stranger to criminal investigations Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a magnet for corruption and dirty...

What will you do , if you are the devil? Can you match the devil?
What will you do , if you are the devil? Can you match the devil? If I were the Devil . . . I mean, if I were the Prince of Darkness, I...

What’s Happening in Syria? The Media “Kills the Truth”, “Terrorism” is Described as “Moderate Opposi
Posted on February 6, 2017 by martyrashrakat By Eva Bartlett Global Research, February 05, 2017 Canadian independent journalist Eva...

Corporate Media Now Poses Existential Threats To The American Republic
The Mainstream Media Must Be Shut Down And/Or Taken Over Post Haste Posted on January 22, 2017 by State of the Nation Corporate Media Now...

Hill: Albright promised to "accept Islam" for the sake of Her Killing of Muslims
Former U.S. Secretary of state and war criminal Madeleine Albright expressed readiness "to register as a Muslim". So she reacted to the...

Watch Ron Paul- Repeal sec. 1021 of National Defense Authorization Act of 2012...
Watch Ron Paul- Repeal sec. 1021 of National Defense Authorization Act of 2012... 18 January 2012 Mr. Speaker, I rise today to introduce...