What’s Happening in Syria? The Media “Kills the Truth”, “Terrorism” is Described as “Moderate Opposi
Posted on February 6, 2017 by martyrashrakat
By Eva Bartlett
Global Research,
February 05, 2017

Canadian independent journalist Eva Bartlett is the object of a smear campaign by Canada’s mainstream media.
Listen to what she has to say and then decide who is telling the truth.
The mainstream media denies the existence of terrorists linked to Al Qaeda.
According to mainstream sources, there were no terrorists in Aleppo.
Al Qaeda and the Islamic State are supported by US-NATO, Saudi Arabia and Israel. They are the state-sponsors of terrorism. We are dealing with a war of aggression.
Eva Bartlett provides detailed evidence of war crimes. (M.Ch, GR Editor)
Montreal Event, January 28, 2017
The original source of this article is Global Research Copyright © Eva Bartlett, Global Research, 2017