Genies and Genocide: Syria, Israel, Russia and Much Oil
26.10.2015 Author: F. William Engdahl Column: Politics Region: Middle East Country: Syria The geopolitical stakes in the Middle East have...

EX CIA Robert David Steele In Oslo – McCain, Graham, Rubio and Schumer Are All Being Blackmailed
Editor / 2 mins ago I was invited by Mr Steele to rebroadcast this message on our channel to get the word our. There’s a lot to be said...

What’s Happening in Syria? The Media “Kills the Truth”, “Terrorism” is Described as “Moderate Opposi
Posted on February 6, 2017 by martyrashrakat By Eva Bartlett Global Research, February 05, 2017 Canadian independent journalist Eva...

Hill: Albright promised to "accept Islam" for the sake of Her Killing of Muslims
Former U.S. Secretary of state and war criminal Madeleine Albright expressed readiness "to register as a Muslim". So she reacted to the...

Will Pentagon: ‘Offer’ Support to Turkey in al-Bab or ISIS ?
Pentagon: US Will ‘Offer’ Support to Turkey in North Syria Invasion Spokesman Says Incirlik Base Discussions Are Ongoing by Jason Ditz,...

Exposing the dirty war being waged against Syria by the US, UK, EU, Turkey, Gulf States, Israel, Aus
India’s World: Amazing Debate on Syria Exposes Criminal Western, Israeli & Gulf State Intervention vanessa beeley / 8 mins ago 2nd...

Experts Destroy White House ‘Proof’ of Russian Hacking
31SaturdayDec 2016 Two expert analyses from the intelligence community are destroying the Obama administration’s “proof” of Russian...

Is Obama a Russian Agent?
Dmitri Orlov, Club Orlov (Blog), Dec 29 2016 Sometimes a case looks weak because there is no “smoking gun.” There’s no obvious direct...

The Role of the US Media in the Palestine Conflict
| Sep 20, 2016 | Jeremy R. Hammond speaks via Skype on the role of the US media in the Palestine conflict at the second of a series of...

Truth About the Talmud
Truth About the Talmud The End #Apartheid #Palestine #Gaza #MiddleEast #BDS #BoycottIsrael