Erdogan is clearly a threat to Turkish democracy and secularism.
Turkey’s coup, explained exquisitly Updated by Zack Beauchamp on July 15, 2016, 9:16 p.m. ET @zackbeauchamp zack@vox.com Erdogan. On...

FAIL? Turkey Misses Deadline to Achieve Visa-Free EU Travel
21st Century Wire says… Good news considering what has been infesting Turkey as of late. Turkey has failed to meet all of its obligations...

Democrats Now Controlled By Oil-Funded Lobbying Companies
(RINF) – An information society is a thing of curiosity. A human has always been dependent on the public opinion turning eventually into...

Nominating Israel to chair UNGA committee like asking the wolf to guard sheep
Dr. Shaher Awawdeh, deputy permanent observer of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to the United Nations, strongly denounced...

Netanyahu: Israel Will Never Accept Arab Peace Initiative
Barak Ravid, of Israeli daily Haaretz, wrote on Monday thatIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Likud ministers he will never...

Assad Promises To Reclaim Syria From The West
Syrian President Bashar Assad has promised to “take back every inch” of the country from the hands of ISIS and Western enemies, in a...

Putin Warns Turkey: Leave Syria The Hell Alone
Brave Vladimir Putin told a delegation from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church that if Turkey does not stop funding and supporting ISIS in...

Massive NATO war game risks conflict with Russia
In advance of next month’s NATO summit in Warsaw, Poland, the western military alliance has organised a massive military build-up in...

“The word terrorism … is now being used by the world’s biggest terrorists Washington DC and Tel Aviv
Terrifying truth about terror finally told on TV By Kevin Barrett on June 7, 2016 Its a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it I love...

Lieberman's threats of assassinating Palestinian leaders in any upcoming military confrontation,
Palestinians did not really need to see Avigdor Lieberman, head of Yisrael Beiteinu, appointed as minister of defence on 25 May to be...