BREAKING: Major KGB Announcement From Putin About Donald Trump, New US President!
RI Breaking News Desk This is not Fake News. This is a serious announcement available exclusively to Russia Insider by our insider in KGB...

WATCH – ‘Hidden Camera’ Video Catches Obama Admin Committing Immigration FRAUD
For the Obama administration, the end justifies the means. When it comes to Syrian illegal immigrants, they will resort to fraud to let...

CIA Bluffing, Russian Hack, Blackmails Revealed – What Next? When the Most Flagrant Lies Become the
Selected Articles: Russian Hack: Bluffing and Blackmail; Trump, Goldman Sachs and Henry Kissinger By Global Research News Global...

Get US Out! Of the United Nations - Support H.R.193 The “American Sovereignty Restoration Act,” Bil
Get US Out! Of the United Nations - Support H.R.193 The “American Sovereignty Restoration Act,” Bill To Do Just That Amid growing...

FACT CHECK: There Is No Proof Russian Hacking Influenced The Election
Posted at 6:00 am on January 3, 2017 For all the uproar over allegations of Russian hacking, and there has been plenty, little has been...

United States, A Country that Invaded 50 Countries Since WWII, to Criticise Russia
Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who leads the pack of potential Democratic 2016 presidential contenders, speaks to a...

The arrogant Trump beat the repellent Clinton. The populist of the far-right beat the right-wing technocrat disguised as a progressive...

Exposing the dirty war being waged against Syria by the US, UK, EU, Turkey, Gulf States, Israel, Aus
India’s World: Amazing Debate on Syria Exposes Criminal Western, Israeli & Gulf State Intervention vanessa beeley / 8 mins ago 2nd...

Experts Destroy White House ‘Proof’ of Russian Hacking
31SaturdayDec 2016 Two expert analyses from the intelligence community are destroying the Obama administration’s “proof” of Russian...

The Role of the US Media in the Palestine Conflict
| Sep 20, 2016 | Jeremy R. Hammond speaks via Skype on the role of the US media in the Palestine conflict at the second of a series of...