Florida Federal Judge Orders 9/11 Re-Opened
Judge William J. Zloch has made orders to focus on documents about the FBI's secret investigation to activity of terrorists. Judge...

Businessman Is Raising £1 Million To Recreate 9/11 Attacks
An American-born businessman wants to raise £1m to stage a recreation of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York. Paul...

US Dollar is Being Rejected World Wide – Collapse Has Begun
The US Dollar has been rejected around the world. DOLLAR REJECTED WORLDWIDE – PUTIN SAYS PETRO DOLLAR DEAD – YouTube Yesterday at a...

‘Chilling’ memo details Saudi / Israeli 9/11 link thru a US Neoconservative War Party (PNAC)
A US interrogation report detailing the questioning of Saudi diplomats is drawing fresh attention to the alleged role of Saudi Arabia in...

The US and Britain – the most corrupt countries in the world
This week British Prime Minister David Cameron has told the English Queen that the leaders of the two "fantastically corrupt" countries...

UN Panel Warns About Israel & Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Violations
A United Nations panel against torture has warned about violations of human rights by the Israel and Saudi Arabia The committee warned...

Pentagon invented the "Russian threat" as to not lose government money
High-ranking military officials in the United States deliberately hype the "Russian threat" in order to increase the defense budget of...

ISIS-Israeli Relations: A Marriage of Convenience?
The question of why the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) hasn’t launched a single attack against Israel so far has been bothering...

How Saudi Arabia Is Linked To 911 Terror Attacks
US analyst Daniel R. DePetris asks why Washington is hesitant to release the secret 28 pages of the 911 report. The conclusion is that...

Russ Baker, George W. Bush with Prince Bandar bin Sultan and Saddam Hussein captured in "Spider Hole" Photo credit: WhoWhatWhy , Unknown...