The US and Britain – the most corrupt countries in the world

This week British Prime Minister David Cameron has told the English Queen that the leaders of the two "fantastically corrupt" countries will attend the summit on anti-corruption in London. I then immediately thought of the UK and the USA, but unfortunately, it was about Nigeria and Afghanistan.
The Anglo-Saxons easier to talk about corruption in the countries that they plundered for centuries. In his eye the British and the Americans, as usual, do not see the corruption of logs.
British Prime Minister hide their money from the British tax in Panama, and the most corrupt countries – for some reason, Nigeria and Afghanistan.
To my surprise at the hypocrisy of the British Prime Minister drew the attention of the American edition of "The Washington Post". American journalists noted that even though corruption in the US and UK differs in form from the Afghan or African corruption, the essence remains the same.
The real estate market of London and new York for several decades, is a haven for corruption. The most interesting thing to launder their money, ill-gotten, corrupt officials help local lawyers and financiers – the citizens of the US and the UK.
For example, in the UK there is a real the registry of real estate. Anyone with a large sum of money may apply to the real estate agent or lawyer asking about buying an apartment or home. On the origin of capital one will not ask.
Moreover, you can directly ask the service about the legalization of their money. In this case, the money will run through offshore located in the British virgin Islands, and from there the funds will go to the London account of the customer.
Recently in the UK the scandal broke. The fact that the British estate agents in the pursuit of profits corrupt involuntarily raised prices in the middle segment of the London property. To buy an apartment in London for the average Brit has become impossible.
Outraged citizens complained to Prime Minister Cameron. He promised to investigate. However, how corrupt is fighting corruption is best seen on the example of Ukraine.
If we talk about the United States, to launder money in the United States is even easier than in the UK. On the territory of the U.S. there are as many as 4 major offshore center. In Delaware, new Mexico, Nevada and Wyoming anyone can register a company as anonymous, most of them without legal checks.
I recall that in "the Panama archives" was not an American name. Considering this fact and taking into account 4 major offshore in the U.S., this suggests that the publication of the Panamanian data archive – there is nothing like a large-scale advertising American gray areas. Say, transfer money to offshore US – we are safe.
It turns out that the world's corrupt poked a finger in a domestic corruption in Afghanistan and Africa and grins. The fight against corruption has long become a political tool of the West.
The Washington Post offers US and the UK to recognize the problem, as do alcoholics and drug addicts to begin the process of healing.
I agree with the American edition. When there is a fight against corruption in third world countries – this is only addressing the symptoms. To cure the global disease of corruption must be hit in the concentration of the contagion – in new York and London.
Ilya Novitsky
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