Nominating Israel to chair UNGA committee like asking the wolf to guard sheep
Dr. Shaher Awawdeh, deputy permanent observer of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to the United Nations, strongly denounced...

Worst Economy In 5,000 Years?
Source: http://www.globalresearch.ca/worst-economy-in-5000-years/5529911 #BRICS #Agenda2030 #Brexit #Financial #BoycottIsrael #News #BDS...

“The word terrorism … is now being used by the world’s biggest terrorists Washington DC and Tel Aviv
Terrifying truth about terror finally told on TV By Kevin Barrett on June 7, 2016 Its a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it I love...

Lieberman's threats of assassinating Palestinian leaders in any upcoming military confrontation,
Palestinians did not really need to see Avigdor Lieberman, head of Yisrael Beiteinu, appointed as minister of defence on 25 May to be...

Israel has destroyed $74 million worth of EU projects
A Palestinian man inspects the ruins of a playground demolished by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank village of Zaatara, near...

Israel makes a mountain out of a molehill
A huge boulder comes hurtling down an alpine mountain ridge, crushing cedar trees and rocks beneath its path. At the end of its course...

IHRC official says nations do not want peace in Syria
Syria seems to have become a boiling cauldron of strife where many nations are trying to fish for their piece of meat. What started as a...

WATCH: Israeli soldiers apparently kick knife to body of man 'executed' in Hebron
New Video: The footage is believed to be from highly controversial March killing of alleged Palestinian attacker who has shot in the head...

End Is Near For ‘Fearmonger’ Netanyahu’s Government – Ex Mossad Chief
A former Mossad chief has said that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s rule is based on “fear” and his days in office are numbered after he...

Israeli Leader Demands Worldwide Fascist Style Internet Censorship
Israel has unveiled plans to impose internet censorship across the world’s social media platforms by building an “international...