Is Obama a Russian Agent?
Dmitri Orlov, Club Orlov (Blog), Dec 29 2016 Sometimes a case looks weak because there is no “smoking gun.” There’s no obvious direct...

The Role of the US Media in the Palestine Conflict
| Sep 20, 2016 | Jeremy R. Hammond speaks via Skype on the role of the US media in the Palestine conflict at the second of a series of...

UNSC Passes Resolution demanding end to Israeli settlement building on occupied Palestinian Lands
The UN Security Council with 14 of 15 members voting in favor has passed a resolution demanding an end to the construction of Israeli...

Truth About the Talmud
Truth About the Talmud The End #Apartheid #Palestine #Gaza #MiddleEast #BDS #BoycottIsrael

Lawsuit says US aid to Israel illegal under 1976 law
Israeli soldiers walk near an Israeli Iron Dome missile system (L), a surface-to-air missile system, the MIM-104 Patriot (C), and an the...

Zionist IDF abusing law abiding Jews
This video shows just what is meant when Zionism and Judaism *COLLIDE* #Media #BoycottIsrael #Gaza #BDS #Warcrimes #Apartheid #MiddleEast...

The War on Stupid People
As recently as the 1950s, possessing only middling intelligence was not likely to severely limit your life’s trajectory. IQ wasn’t a big...

The liberals who attack Brexit on these grounds will be on a propaganda warpath
The Brits have voted for Brexit. How will the more “enlightened” liberal Eurocrats in Bruxelles spin the debacle and save the financial...

Is the federal government is so big today that local representatives are better-suited ?
State and local tyrants are still tyrants. Veronique de Rugy from the July 2016 issue - view article in the Digital Edition What do home...

If elected, Clinton said, she would increase social-media surveillance.
CLINTON CALLS ON TECH COMPANIES TO FIGHT ISIS PROPAGANDA The Democratic candidate says the U.S. needs an “intelligence surge”—and she...