UNSC Passes Resolution demanding end to Israeli settlement building on occupied Palestinian Lands

The UN Security Council with 14 of 15 members voting in favor has passed a resolution demanding an end to the construction of Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian territories. The resolution was introduced to the UNSC by New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal. The US was the only nation to abstain from voting. Earlier, Trump and Israeli authorities also called on the US to veto the resolution.
If your one of those people that points the the dozens of United Nations resolutions that has repeatedly condemned Israel as though it were evidence of Israels wrong doing let me first point you to a few truths.
The United Nations today is an embarrassment to itself and a disgrace to humanity and truth to which it claims to represent. What ever moral authority it once had, has been squanderd. Among its many failings the United Nations encourages Islamic religious hatred and anti Semitic racism and dresses itself up in the name of human rights. The UN has repeatedly allowed it's own Human Rights Council to be steam rollered in this respect by a cartel of mainly 57 dictatorships called the Organization of Islamic Conference - (OIC).
Most of these dictatorships have immeasurably worse human rights records than Israel yet time and time again it is Israel that's condemned. Countries like Iran where they execute children, Sudan where they practice slavery and casual genocide, Pakistan where over a thousand women a year are murdered by their own families and the government turns a blind eye and of course last but not least - Saudi Arabia , the black hole of Islamic barbarism, the worlds leading source of terrorist funding.
These are just some of the countries behind the condemnation of Israel. Countries who hate Jews for the simple reason they are Jews - and of course because the Koran commands them to do so.. When it comes to the United Nations it is a crooked court with a crooked jury, who are quick to judge the human rights of Israel while they themselves are the chief abusers of human rights in the world.
To be honest I am stunned that America still tolerates the UN to exist on its soil, They should kick it out of the country and tell it to relocate to somewhere they may feel more at home - Tehran perhaps or Islamabad. The UN has repeatedly shown itself to be unashamedly partisan and effectively an enemy of Israel. As I see it , unless you are an idiot or a western liberal - you don't take orders from your enemies - you ignore them !