The liberals who attack Brexit on these grounds will be on a propaganda warpath

The Brits have voted for Brexit. How will the more “enlightened” liberal Eurocrats in Bruxelles spin the debacle and save the financial autocracy of the European Union?
By the old tricks:
1) raise the phantom of war in Europe (while ignoring the wars Europe conducts abroad)
2) raise the phantom of fascism in Europe (while ignoring the EU’s fascism imposed on Ukraine, the inclusion in EU fascistic governments in Poland, Hungary, etc and ignoring the fascism of the EU itself, its financial dictatorship
3) by calling Brexit vote the “the return of hatred of the Other” thereby implying that the EU embraces its [Darker] Brother. Is that why EU member states have fought alongside America in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc? And have denied the Greek people the right to virtually exist?
The liberals who attack Brexit on these grounds will be on a propaganda warpath to save the EU by proposing a little tweaking.
They will do what liberals have always done when people rise up against the existing order: adopt the formula: ‘Things must change in order to stay the same.”
Above all, they will interpret the Brexit vote as a vote for Farage.
They will use the same formula the US democrats use to get Hillary elected: fear Trump. But neoliberal order in EU is already fascist, autocratic, xenophobic, racist, warmongering. The neoliberal Eurocrats don’t go around shouting anti-racist slogans. They just execute them—with bombs and banks.