US Policymakers Propose Working Closer with ISIS’ Sponsors
Column: Locations US-based corporate-financier funded policy think tank, the Brookings Institution, published a particularly incoherent...

Whose Century Is It?
Life on an Increasingly Improbable Planet Cross-posted with TomDispatch.com Vladimir Putin recently manned up and admitted it. The United...

Erdogan is clearly a threat to Turkish democracy and secularism.
Turkey’s coup, explained exquisitly Updated by Zack Beauchamp on July 15, 2016, 9:16 p.m. ET @zackbeauchamp zack@vox.com Erdogan. On...

Who Profits from Nuclear Weapons?
Written for the Governing under the Influence Project With the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, the world...

Washington and the NATO Generals are trying to provoke Russia into Nuclear War
The Europeans Are Going to Revolt Against NATO By F. William Engdahl Russian Insider Sunday, Jul 10, 2016 The NATO summit in Warsaw is a...

The liberals who attack Brexit on these grounds will be on a propaganda warpath
The Brits have voted for Brexit. How will the more “enlightened” liberal Eurocrats in Bruxelles spin the debacle and save the financial...

FAIL? Turkey Misses Deadline to Achieve Visa-Free EU Travel
21st Century Wire says… Good news considering what has been infesting Turkey as of late. Turkey has failed to meet all of its obligations...

U.S. elections: Would Trump isolationism be music to Moscow’s ears?
Amid the noisy clamor around the Republican Party’s presidential candidate Donald Trump’s often embarrassing slips of the tongue and...

One Million People Rise Up In France Amid Media Blackout
Over one million people took to the streets in France this week in protest against an ever-increasing totalitarian French government, in...

Washington’s misguided policy towards Russia should be seen as madness
Last week I attended a foreign policy conference in Washington that featured a number of prominent academics and former government...