Yemen: US Fails in Rescue Attempt for ISIS Leader
TEHRAN (FNA)- A US airborne operation to rescue a senior ISIL leader in Southern Zobab city in Ta’iz province failed after the Yemeni...

Message to Erdogan - Regime Change in Syria is Off the Agenda
A couple of weeks ago I wrote for Russia Insiderthat I thought it unlikely President Erdogan would send the Turkish army into Syria and...

Germany has accused Saudi Arabia of supporting terrorism
The economy Minister of Germany, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel accused the authorities of Saudi Arabia to the tacit support of...

Al Qaeda and the Money Trail: Surviving on the Battlefield in the Information War
There is undoubtedly an information war raging. There are intentional liars, people who witlessly repeat these lies, poor research, and...

Pentagon: Russia's role in Syria has become more constructive
A spokesman for the Ministry of defence of the USA Peter Cooke at a press conference on Tuesday stated that Russia's role in Syria,...

Obama’s Fakery, ‘News’ Media’s Suckery
How can it be that the same news-medium that reported, on 22 April 2015, that the Obama Administration allows countries it signs...

Europe’s Perfect Storm of Terrorism
It seems paradoxical, just as Islamist terror brigades are being eradicated in Syria and Iraq, the threat of terrorist mayhem in Europe...

~Confessions of John McCain, General M.Dempsey, President B.Obama, Hillary Clinton and Zbigniew Brze
Hillary Clinton and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Classic example of Problem-Reaction-Solution, also known as order out of chaos, has been used...

A World War Has Begun: Break the Silence
I have been filming in the Marshall Islands, which lie north of Australia, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Whenever I tell people...

Ken O'Keefe Dares To Say What Others Do Not
Few dare expose the truth about the people who's only intentions are to profit from heinous war-crimes. "Psychopaths are running the...