Bribery scandal at the UN is associated with the faction of Jiang Zemin

An investigation of bribery of the John W. Ashe, President of the UN General Assembly, Macau businessman Ng lap Sen exposed a massive political network. This and other cases of corruption associated with the Jiang faction within the Chinese Communist party (CCP).
Macau, which separates Hong Kong from a strip of water, has always been considered the main channel for money laundering party officials. At the beginning of this year anti-corruption body for the first time China sent a team of inspectors to the State Council Hong Kong and Macao.
The head of the group Whether Zufan media said that Hong Kong and Macau are investigated corruption case. Some cases caused a great resonance, including a complex system of bribes Ng, the arrest for corruption of former Minister of justice of Macau Ho Che Maine and the arrest of the nephew of casino tycoon Stanley Ho for pimping.
All these persons connected with the business community of Macao and the faction of former Chinese Communist party head Jiang Zemin.
Bribe Ng
Francis Lorenzo, Deputy permanent representative of the Dominican Republic to the UN, 16 March 2016 found guilty of helping Ng to transfer bribes John Ashe. On March 17, arrested involved in the case the Chinese. Further investigation showed that the strings go in Hong Kong.
Julia Vivi Wang, Vice-President of two non-governmental organizations, March 18, was accused that she gave a bribe of half a million dollars to buy a diplomatic post Antigua for her husband and another man.
In 2012, Wang used the new York account of two non-governmental organizations to receive money from China and paying bribes to two officials of the UN John Ashe and Francis Lorenzo. Lorenzo was President of both organizations. In March 2013 Ash sent van a letter, writes the New York Times. He reported that Antigua and Barbuda opens "investment office" in Hong Kong. Husband van were appointed by the authorized representative of the office. Another Chinese businesswoman was promoted to Deputy.
According to Lorenzo, this position has allowed to obtain citizenship through investment. The article mentioned that corruption had involved other government officials of Antigua, including the former Prime Minister of the country.
The Ng Foundation has allocated $1.5 million. When Ng was arrested, the UN refused $15 million proposed by the Fund. In October last year, U.S. authorities indicted six persons, including Asha, Lorenzo, Ng the Clutches of Hay (David Ng), his personal assistant, the Director of the Fund for global development, p & g Yang (sherry Yang) and its financial Director Heidi Park.
Yang, Lorenzo and the Park is already found guilty. Ng paid the sum of $50 million and is under house arrest in the United States.
Political network
During the investigation of this international corruption case revealed a network of political and business partners Ng.
Ng Paws sen was born in Guangdong and moved to Macau in 1979, He organized a business in the clothing trade in the street stalls. According to the insider from the real estate market in Macau, Ng tried not to draw attention to myself and spent large sums of money for the establishment of business and political network that enabled him to strike up communication with high-ranking officials in Beijing.
Ng had close ties with the former General Manager of Macau Addendum Ho and casino magnate Stanley Ho. In the early 90s they created a consortium of Nam Van Development Co. SARL.
Connection with the faction of Jiang Ng ― member of the preparatory Committee for the special administrative region of Macau. In 1999 Ng Paws sen won the contract for the construction of the Lotus bridge that connects the city of Zhuhai and Macau is one of the largest strategic projects, before the Communist party gained control of Macau in 1999 (before that the area was a colony of Portugal).
In business circles Macau goes the view that Ng was awarded the contract at the expense of ties with Jiang. The same applies to Edmund Ho. Stanley Ho and Edmund Ho considered as the main supporters of Jiang in Macau. Name Ng became known in the Western world because of the scandal with the contributions to the Committee to re-bill Clinton in 1996, At that time Jiang Zemin was the head of China. In September last year, Ng was arrested in the US on a number of charges, including bribery and tax evasion.
In 2006, the Japanese media SAPIO exposed that the Clintons have accepted large donations from Chinese spies. Some of these spies occupy a high position in the democratic party of the United States. The article was the hint that Jiang directs the actions of all these spies.
Chau Chak Wing
During the investigation of the case of bribery of John Ashe UN ordered to conduct an investigation in relation to Chinese-Australian businessman Chau chak Wine, head Guangzhou Kingold Group. Ash allegedly received bribes from Chow.
Expert on China, Shi Nanshan believes that Chow was performing a political job abroad for the order Zeng and Cinchona the faction of Jiang Zemin. As Ng Chau ― largest political donor in Australia. He donated millions of dollars to the Australian liberal and labour parties of Australia.
In the 70 years, Chow immigrated to Hong Kong from China, and from there to Australia. Since 1989 he has lived in Australia, then in Guangzhou. Chow maintains a close relationship with Wang Xiaoling, the niece of his wife Zeng Cinchona. Luxury mansion in Wang Guangzhou was built by the company Chau, who not only paid $ 3 million for the renovation, but also allowed the van to pay only 20% of the value of the home.
The above-mentioned woman, Cherie Yang, a Chinese American, is the wife of a former diplomat who worked at the Embassy of Australia. She worked for Chau 5 years. Sheri Yan is a well ― known personality in the business circles of Australia. The Foundation, in which she worked, has close ties with businessmen and politicians in China. Her husband ― Roger Ujang, a former Australian intelligence analyst. He currently works at the Hong Kong Phoenix TV, which has a Pro-Beijing position.
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