National Post: In the West many still do not consider Ukraine as a country
Most Ukrainians fear that their country will become a Russian colony, the author of the article in the National Post, Robert Fulford. Besides, in the West still do not take seriously the problems of Ukraine, because it is so long lived in the shadow of Russia that lost its identity, says Fulford.

Not so long ago the Ukrainian Parliament for the purposes of national security has banned all films made and released by Russia after 1 January 2014. To link cinema to the interests of national security, perhaps it seems eccentric, but not in Ukraine, writes in an article for the National Post, Robert Fulford. Earlier Rada has banned military films made in Russia after 1991, when Ukraine became an independent state, and in March 15 Russian TV series were removed from Ukrainian channels.
In many countries udelat some attention to politics in the sphere of culture. In Ukraine, the culture is considered a matter of "national survival", the very existence of the country depends on it, and all worries about Ukrainian culture only emphasize "battered national ego", says the author.
Most Ukrainians fear that their country will become a Russian colony. In 1917, Russia has banned Newspapers and books in the Ukrainian language and abolished teaching in schools. Until today, Russia has repeatedly tried to take over Ukraine, so the Ukrainian nationalists mainly advocated to remain Ukrainians. The people of Ukraine felt "thrown to the side" in comparison with their larger and more self-confident neighbour, writes Robert Fulford.
Worldwide problem of Ukraine has often been neglected. Leniency, according to the author, the most that can expect Ukraine when discussing issues of international importance. In the latest issue of New York Review of Books Anne Applebaum noted: despite the fact that Ukraine is developing its own literature and enter into the historical debate, "she's still not present in Western historiography, the Western literary Canon and even in Western political consciousness".
The West in General, questioning the right of Ukraine to exist as an independent state, notes in his article, Applebaum. In this respect, many politicians agree with the point of view of Vladimir Putin's "Ukraine is not a country". Definitely not the most famous country. Intellectual map of the West Ukraine is an empty space, says Robert Fulford.
From the point of view of Ukrainians, the worst thing is that the West forgot about the Holodomor. Very few people outside of Ukraine know this word, but for the country it is the same tragedy, like the Holocaust for Jews. The fate of Ukraine as were the ascents and tragedy. She so long lived in the shadow of Russia that lost its identity, says the author.
Currently, several parties in the Ukrainian Parliament are trying to create, presumably, a stable and cohesive coalition, which hopes to receive from the IMF a loan of 1.7 billion dollars. Once again, the fate of Ukraine is in the hands of other countries, concludes the author.
Reader comments from the website of the National Post:
Don Halpert: Ukraine's Fate in the hands of other countries, mainly because of the corruption and incompetence of the authorities. They need to restore order in the house, if you want to get support from abroad.
Anna-Marie Koszarycz: Ukraine is not on the intellectual map of the West... this means nothing? Ukraine, with a population of about 50 million, with the Diaspora at 20 million people, not on this map, because it is about the lives of people in 14 States, formerly part of the Soviet Union, only told correspondents based in Moscow. And because the population of these States has its own history, its languages, its culture – all this does not fit the concept of "Empire". Perhaps it's time to broadcast from other places?! It is time for "the intellectual map of the West" to hear truthful news!
Michael Droy: the Truth is, Kyiv has always been a regional representative in Moscow. Ukraine is not a country, just a vassal. When Kiev will cease to be loyal to Moscow, the Ukraine will cease to be a state.
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