American food parcels were found by a group of Iranian documentary filmmakers, including Vahid Farahani and Seyed Hashem Moussavi, who were in Iraq this October making a documentary on the Iraqi army's fight against the ISIS Takfiri terrorist group in Salahuddin, specially in Beiji city North of Baghdad.
The documentary, 'Conquest of Beiji', provides a complete account of advances by the Iraqi army and volunteer forces against the ISIS terrorists.
'Conquest of Beiji' focuses on the discovery of food parcels and ammo that all carry Pentagon labels, such ammo and food is commonly used in US army and its allies.
Katehon experts state that US support of ISIS was present from the start, and that Iranian documentary only proves the obvious fact of that support.

TEHRAN (FNA)- Food parcels belonging to the US Pentagon were discovered in Beiji oil refinery in Salahuddin province in Northern Iraq after the refinery and the nearby city were taken back from the ISIL terrorist group in mid-October.
The Food parcels were discovered by a group of Iranian documentary filmmakers, including Vahid Farahani and Seyed Hashem Moussavi, who were in Iraq in October to prepare a documentary on the Iraqi army's military advances against the ISIL Takfiri terrorist group in Salahuddin province, specially in Beiji city North of Baghdad.
The documentary, 'Conquest of Beiji', provides a complete account of advances by the Iraqi army and volunteer forces against the ISIL terrorist group in Beiji.
A major part of the 'Conquest of Beiji' focuses on the discovery of ammunition and food parcels that all carry Pentagon labels.
Vahid Farahani and his team put on display some of the parcels and emptied their contents at a meeting at Fars News Agency upon their return from Iraq.
The photos of the food parcels will be released on FNA in coming hours.
Beiji lies at a crossroads between several frontlines and control of the area is seen as the key to progress in other regions, including Anbar province where forces were also closing in on ISIL strongholds.
On October 14, the Iraqi army and volunteer forces launched an assault to take back Beiji in Northern Iraq from ISIL terrorists.
Later, they won back full control over Beiji oil refinery after killing ISIL's top military commander (or Emir) of the region.
The army and volunteer forces launched the Beiji Freedom Operation by approaching the city from three different directions.
Besides the US, similar food parcels, arms and munitions that carry the labels of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and several other Arab Persian Gulf states have been repeatedly found in those positions that have been taken from the terrorists in Syria and Iraq.
Tel Aviv has shown footage of its commandos “risking their lives” to rescue wounded ISIL militants from Syrian warzone. Tel Aviv has save more than 2,000 of their “sworn enemies” since 2013.
The usurper regime has in fact struck a deadly 'deal with the devil' – offering support to the multi-national terrorist group which is fighting the Syrian government in the hope of containing its arch enemies Hezbollah and Iran.
Security sources in the Qatari government disclosed that Israel has sent its Coordinator on Syrian Affairs Afif Shavit to a meeting with Qatari officials in London late in May to discuss supply of more arms to the rebel groups fighting the Syrian government.
"The 4-hour meeting was held in a house in Braum House in London belonging to Khalid a-Abeed, a Qatari citizen residing in Britain, on May 20," the source, who asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of his information and for fear of his life, told FNA.
"During the meeting, It was decided that Israel prepare and supply the weapons needed by the terrorists in Syria and enter negotiations with European arms manufacturing companies on arms purchases and money transfer methods, and the Qatari side cover the funds and needed budget for purchases," added the source.
The meeting was held at a time when the EU decided to lift the arms embargo on foreign-backed militants in Syria. British Foreign Secretary William Hague said on May 28 that European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels have reached an agreement to lift the arms embargo on militants in Syria, while maintaining other sanctions on the country. The EU also decided to allow the European banks to open branches and accounts in Syria for use by the opposition.
On August 19, 2015, media reports said that the Turkish government had sent several trucks packed with weapons and ammunition to the Northern parts of Syria.
A number of trucks had crossed Iskenderun and al-Salib border crossings into Lattakia and Idlib provinces, the Arabic-language Al-Watan newspaper said citing the Turkish opposition media reports.
It wrote that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had also ordered blackouts in the border towns to facilitate the smuggling of the weapons into Syria.
On June 16, 2013, security sources in the Qatari government disclosed that Israel had sent its Coordinator on Syrian Affairs Afif Shavit to a meeting with Qatari officials in London late in May to discuss supply of more arms to the rebel groups fighting the Syrian government.
"The 4-hour meeting was held in a house in Braum House in London belonging to Khalid a-Abeed, a Qatari citizen residing in Britain, on May 20," the source, who asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of his information and for fear of his life, told FNA.
"During the meeting, It was decided that Israel prepare and supply the weapons needed by the terrorists in Syria and enter negotiations with European arms manufacturing companies on arms purchases and money transfer methods, and the Qatari side cover the funds and needed budget for purchases," added the source.
The meeting was held at a time when the EU decided to lift the arms embargo on foreign-backed militants in Syria. British Foreign Secretary William Hague said on May 28 that European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels have reached an agreement to lift the arms embargo on militants in Syria, while maintaining other sanctions on the country. The EU also decided to allow the European banks to open branches and accounts in Syria for use by the opposition.
In late August 2013, Turkish opposition forces disclosed that Ankara had sent 400 tons of arms supplied by some Persian Gulf states to militants in Syria to bolster their fight against the government of President Bashar al-Assad.
"Twenty trailers crossed from Turkey and are being distributed to arms depots for several brigades across the North," said Mohammad Salam, a rebel operative who witnessed the crossing from an undisclosed location in Hatay, agencies reported.
Catherine Shakdam

Yemen’s political history is a complicated one – one filled with tales of wannabe conquests, tribalism, and an insistent yearning for independence. If Yemen has yet to be set free from the yoke of imperial powers, that is not to say that its people lack the ambition. This war actually stands a brilliant testimony of Yemenis’ desire to self-govern, and reclaim control over not just their land but themselves.
For great many decades now Yemen has never ever been truly allowed to set its own political course. Instead, it has been coerced, co-opted and betrayed so that foreign powers could manifest their bidding – to hell with Yemenis and their sovereignty! In this game of thrones Saudi Arabia of course has played centre-stage – a corrosive political entity against the aspiring republic. But if Riyadh has stood a parasite to Yemen’s freedom and national sovereignty – together a malignant suffocating hand, and a deathly plague, the kingdom found much support in its Western allies.
You only have to take one good look at Saudi Arabia’s war room to understand which powers have engineered Yemen’s demise from the very beginning.
By King Salman’s own admission, both the United States and the United Kingdom have assisted the kingdom in its military aggression against Yemen – offering weapons, intelligence, and expertise to their ally. The real question here would be to serve whose agenda? And though many experts have attempted to weigh in in terms of an answer, I’m afraid is not that simple.
I remember how in an interview I conducted with George Galloway for Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s website earlier this year (2016), the veteran politician insisted that Western powers are playing Riyadh as a proxy – an imperial outpost of sort in their pursuit of global control.
While his comments make perfect sense in that they fit within a narrative of global imperialism … or as I like to call it hyper capitalism, I believe Saudi Arabia is actively working to outmatch its makers, to become THE one political master-puppet. Money after all speaks louder than military might those days. But I’ll get back to that later.
Allow me to stray away from Yemen for a second to delve into a concept which I believe is key to understanding most of the conflicts, and tensions playing out today: globalism. Well it’s actually more than that – globalism after all is merely the expression of capitalism gone wild, a degenerate form of imperialism … and vice versa.
It was actually Lenin who back in 1916 defined imperialism as the highest expression of capitalism. I would venture and say that Mr Lenin was right on the money. Yemen is of course a perfect example of capitalism gone wrong.
As Phil Gasper explained in his writings: “LENIN DID not claim that there was no imperialism before the late 19th century. As he explicitly noted, "Colonial policy and imperialism existed before the latest stage of capitalism, and even before capitalism. Rome, founded on slavery, pursued a colonial policy and practiced imperialism.
" But, Lenin added: "general" arguments about imperialism, which ignore, or put into the background the fundamental difference of social-economic systems, inevitably degenerate into absolutely empty banalities, or into grandiloquent
comparisons like "Greater Rome and Greater Britain. "Even the colonial policy of capitalism in its previous stages is essentially different from the colonial policy of finance capital. What Lenin was attempting to explain was the extremely virulent form of imperialism that began to emerge in the late 19th century, resulting in the scramble for Africa from the 1880s, and the increasing tensions between the major powers that eventually led to world war. In calling it a stage of capitalism, Lenin was saying that the new imperialism was fundamentally an economic phenomenon.”
At its very core Yemen’s war is an imperial war, a neo-colonial conflict which seeks the enslavement of a nation for the sake of control. Of course there is a sinister, darker eugenics agenda to this war which experts have for far too long refused to admit to. I am not referring here to the infamous Sunni-Shia divide … this divide only exists in Riyadh’s mind, a fabrication it concocted to shield itself from the political, social and religious emancipation Shia Islam inherently offers, while rationalizing its own extremism: Wahhabism.
Let us remember that if the world has come to abhor and fear Islam it is because its expression has been tainted by the abomination which is Wahhabism – this ideology of Takfir which requires all infidels to die by the sword of its righteous crusaders. An apocalyptic dogma based on bloodshed, Wahhabism calls for the murder of all those who do not bow to its will, most of all Muslims.
One of the reason Saudi Arabia hates Yemen so much is that its Islam, is not that preached by Riyadh.
And while Riyadh’s ambitions in Yemen are anchored in capitalism, certain actors in the kingdom have pursued a very Wahhabist agenda, adding a sinister sectarian undertone to al-Saud military pursuits.
A report in January 2016 by the Campaign against Arms Trade (CAAT) found the UK has received £5.6 billion ($8.19 billion) for arms deals with Saudi Arabia, since Cameron became prime minister.
Andrew Smith of Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) warns that British weapons are central to the military campaign that has “killed thousands of people, destroyed vital infrastructure and inflamed tensions in the region.”
“The UK has been complicit in the destruction by continuing to support airstrikes and provide arms, despite strong and increasing evidence that war crimes are being committed,” he said.
“These arms sales should never have been approved in the first place. The Saudi regime has an appalling human rights record and always has done.”
In an interview with the Shafaqna Institute for Middle Eastern Studies, David Mepham, Director of Human Rights Watch UK, noted: "Human Rights Watch has put out numerous reports about what the Saudis are up to in Yemen - that the British are working hand in glove with the Saudis, helping them, enhancing their capacity to prosecute this war that has led to the death of so many civilians. I think it's deeply regrettable and unacceptable.”
Regrettable is one way to put it! All horrors aside why would so many nations spent so much fire power and political efforts on one distant impoverished nation, if not to fulfil a predetermined agenda? Think about it for a second. Why would Saudi Arabia deploy such energy against Yemen if not in the pursuit of something bigger than political restoration? It would be foolish to believe that former President Hadi is worth billions of dollars in military expenditure.
No? Not convinced! Consider this then - back in 2012 Yemen called upon the international community to cauterize its financial haemorrhage with an injection of $9 - 10 billion. “Yemen needs a lot of money to rebuild, to achieve prosperity, to eliminate poverty, unemployment and thereby also terrorism. It needs billions of dollars, tens of billions of dollars,” former Prime Minister Mohammed Basindwa told the press back in January 2012 ahead of a Friends of Yemen meeting.
Was Yemen helped out of poverty and instability? Was Yemen ever offered a real way out of the mess its rich oil neighbours plunged it while they basked in a false sense of security? The answer to that question is: of course not! With Yemen rendered impotent, all Persian Gulf monarchies could sleep soundly on their crowns.
The second however Yemen demonstrated any real desire to reclaim its land, reclaim its resources, and reclaim its free will, an entire coalition came charging against its borders. I don’t recall the same passion “to save Yemen” back in 2012, back when Yemen was allegedly transitioning to democracy.
Yemen was never transitioning to anything. Yemen was merely witnessing a change of the guards. Power was still safely holed up in Riyadh, subservient to the financial largesse the kingdom has always been so willing to extend in exchange for political servitude.
Just as the House of Saud played its part in bringing the Ottoman Empire down, thus allowing for Britain to manifest its dreams of control in the Middle East, so it worked to bring Arabia to heed the command of its powerful masters.
Yemen was never meant to be free … Yemen was always meant to yield to those powers which ambitioned to exploit its riches, and turn its land into a source of profit.
If 1962 marked a profound political and institutional shift in Yemen’s history, 1994 would come to seal its future with Saudi Arabia, in that former President Ali Abdullah Saleh allowed for religious colonialism to take place in exchange for a military victory against South Yemen, thus asserting his presidency on political feudalism.
Following is a brief history of Yemen - a visual aid which retraces some of the nation’s most traumatic and important political events. Yemen’s history so far has been one of betrayal and hidden agenda. It is interestingly the rise of the Houthis, and the Resistance movement they helped inspire which actually forced players to show their hands in a more direct light.
Saudi collapse in Yemen
Yemen: the success of Al-Qaeda
Arabia’s Great Game in Yemen
Yemen’s War – Genesis
Yemen conflict and the emergence of a Russian-Shia alliance
14 Blackwater mercenaries killed in Yemen
HRW & Amnesty condemn Saudi airstrike on Yemeni factory with UK-made missile
Shaky ceasefire in Yemen
Yemen attacks Saudi oil infrastructure
Saudi Airstrike Hit Iranian Embassy in Yemen