The bridge is to be! The construction of a bridge from the past to the future continues

Only saw the leaked video of the construction of the Kerch bridge, showing the scale of the planned project, Ukraine was to prove to herself and the world that can make that a reality is simply impossible.
The history of the project
The idea of building such a project is not new. First this idea came to the British. In the late XIX - early XX century, the inhabitants of Albion were able to lay between the Crimea and the Caucasus on the bottom of the Kerch Strait telephone wire for a reliable connection of the metropolis with its colony, India. The plans were extended to the construction of the railway is incredibly long for those times: from London to Delhi! It was planned to build a giant bridge across the English channel and a little less across the Kerch Strait. But all rested, as often happens, in the absence of money.
In 1903 Russian Emperor Nikolay the Second was interested in the idea of the construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait.
Now the project proposal was developed by Russian engineers. But these endeavors did not come true. Intervened the First world war, then the revolution broke out, the Civil war, followed by the devastation, and the person was not before the Grand projects.
Time passed and the construction of new roads thought General Secretary of the CPSU IV Stalin. It was planned to pave the mainline railway from the South of Ukraine from Kherson in the Crimea, across the bridge through the Strait of Kerch, on the Taman Peninsula in the area of Novorossiysk and then along the black sea coast to Poti. Soviet factories at the time could not cope with execution of the order for the supply of all necessary for the construction of the super bridge of the iron parts, so they just before the Second world war were ordered in Germany.
The success of the Wehrmacht in southern Russia at the beginning of the great Patriotic war has allowed to start practical implementation of this idea. German military engineers began to develop his project of a bridge across the Kerch Strait. However, after changing the position of the Germans on the Caucasian front, the construction of the bridge became impossible. And the engineers had to in the shortest possible time to design and construct a suspended cable car across the Kerch Strait to transport military cargo.

Stalin forbade to bomb the building, wanting to finish the Germans started the construction. And after the liberation of Crimea in 1944 for 7 months was built Kerch railway bridge.

But the ice, catch the wind from the sea of Azov in February 1945 it was destroyed. After the war addressed the issue of the construction of a new bridge on the ruins, but the project was not implemented.
Our time
To date, according to the modern project, launched by Russia, passage of transportation, 19 kilometres must pass through the Tuzla spit. The bridge will have two lanes in each direction for road traffic and railway track.

In October 2015, the company opened a technical bridge across the Kerch Strait to the island of Tuzla. The activization of the Ukrainian opponents of this project don't have to wait long. And they have developed rough activity.

First, there were numerous experts who claim that this site was too costly and futile. So, a member of Ukrainian national memory Institute, candidate of historical Sciences Sergey Gromenko mistakenly States: "In Nazi Germany, no one could, even the Soviet Union with all his power, failed to build a bridge. German bridge was destroyed by ice breaker, just after the Second world war. And if the Soviet Union was this is not on the shoulder, I highly doubt that will be done in Russia. Moreover, internal forces... Only crossing, only during free of ice in the Kerch Strait, which means high prices, so a completely negative relationship with mainland Russia and further degradation of what was already built"
Unconvincing and groundless statements such Ukrainian "experts" refuted. Construction is going on.
Realizing this, "motoboy" moved on to the next step and was immediately hooked environmentalists.
A prominent Ukrainian candidate of biological Sciences, Deputy Director of the Kyiv Botanical garden named after
Fomin Vitaliy kolomiychuk has contributed:
"I saw the last photos taken on the island of Tuzla on March 10. Part of the island are already fully transformed, there lost vegetation cover, and I don't know if repatriated rare plants. In addition to the plants listed in the Red book, there are species of the Bern Convention, i.e. are subject to European standards for the protection of Estuaries, brook, Straits on the island, is partially filled. I think the vegetation of the island already destroyed a third, and it can not be restored."

And then little-known "Environmental watch on North Caucasus", closely cooperating with the Ukrainian authorities carried out an inspection of the area of the Kerch Strait. And, in her opinion, the implementation of this project will lead to irreversible consequences for flora and fauna at the confluence of the Azov and Black seas.
Such "activities" of that organization need to ensure that on the basis of such examinations be done for geopolitical enemies of Russia – America and Ukraine – conclusion: the construction of the Kerch bridge is harmful. Therefore, the construction must stop.
Once and for all enemies of Russia ceased to speculate on the environmental issue, was issued a positive conclusion of State ecological expertise on project documentation for the bridge across the Kerch Strait, approved by order of the Federal service for supervision of nature management dated 19 November 2015.
"To minimise the impact on the environment during the construction of the bridge in the Crimea specialists carried out works on the preservation of fertile soil layer on both sides of Kerch Strait. The work was carried out within the framework of environmental activities designed to support implementation of the project", - reports a press-service of the CMB the Bridge.
Realizing that these imaginary problems unable to inflict global damage to the project, Ukrainian activists have rushed to write a petition Poroshenko on banning the construction of the Kerch bridge by the Russian Federation. However, even if the President will approve the proposal, which began construction this does not hurt.
Taken at home
Natalino also very concerned about the demolition of houses in Kerch. For bridge construction it is necessary to demolish some houses which are located on the territory of the construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait.

Ukrainian human rights activist Zakharov advises about Crimeans gather facts on such violations and to seek protection in international organizations. "There is a violation of the Geneva Convention, article 53. It is considered a war crime. What Russia is doing with property in the occupied Peninsula, it is a war crime. And I am sure that sooner or later Russia will have to answer for it and to pay," said the defender.
Residents living in the area, ready to move for this ambitious project, but only in the "quality and equitable flats" that will be provided by the government.
Turkish "aid"
March 19, to the delight of patriots square Turkish cargo ship "Lyra" collided with the supports of construction work of bridge in the Kerch Strait. The incident destroyed pillar No. 80, it is also possible that hidden damage received bearing No. 79. In addition, lighthouse destroyed two piles, and support No. 79 and No. 81 have been offset. Vessel was ruled by a Turkish citizen. Fortunately, the damage was not too serious, and according to the information center "Crimean bridge", repair work will not affect the timing of delivery of the Kerch bridge.
Turkish ship deliberately went for this RAM, or affected by the lack of a pilot on Board, we'll never know.
But the example of the "Lyre" was followed by a cargo vessel Sormovskiy-48, by a strange coincidence, is also Turkish. This cargo ship passed between two floating cranes and nearly crashed into one of them. Local pilots reported that the Turkish ship was lucky, because the workers have not yet installed the piles in those places where it passed.
Anyway, the construction of such a complex and expensive project began, and none of the machinations of the Ukrainian "patriots" and all "interested" persons will not be able to stop him.

And Crimeans agree to wait a little because they realize that the bridge you build will help a new region of Russia quickly "acclimate" to the modern realities, breaking the "road circuit", which Ukraine is still trying to keep the Crimea.
Aboard the Unsinkable aircraft Carrier,
Irina Simonenko