Weathering the Western propaganda a chance to recoup maybe ?

The us media are unhappy. In their opinion, "Putin's propaganda" even shape the outcome of elections in Europe. The Europeans have even try to create certain units to counter Russian "propaganda" – so they exposed the "fake" Russian media: The problem of Americans but not that our media (such as Russia Today) make a fool of Europeans head myths. The problem of Americans is that our media give more or less objective information, and expose it there is no way, because it is true. Only one example. The Time magazine put Putin on the 29th place in the ranking of the most influential people in the world – below even the levels of the Prime Minister of Canada and the first woman General of the U.S. army. For comparison, last year Vladimir Putin was in the first place: http://ruslanostashko.livejour... What has changed in a year? Just one little detail. If last year's ratings were based on readers ' voting, this rating was done behind closed doors, based on the opinion of some experts. At the Time readers have brains – otherwise vote in 2015 they would put our President in the first place. Therefore, such an obvious bias of "experts" magazine should encourage many readers to make at least the obvious conclusion – the Time magazine has dropped, is to switch to other sources of information about politics and the economy. For example, Russia's Russia Today. As you can see, the Western propaganda unenviable situation: to tell the truth it is impossible, as then you'll have to stand on the side of Russia, as lie does not work, because viewers and readers now have the opportunity to compare different points of view. I want to ask you a question, colleagues. How do you come out of this impasse, if it was ruled by the Western propaganda machine? I somehow do good in your head until it comes.
Fritz Moiseevich Morgen