BBC Claims MH17 Was Shot Down By Ukrainian Fighter Jet

A new BBC documentary has claimed that Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 may have been shot down by a Ukrainian fighter jet -and not as a result of a Russian missile as claimed by the mainstream media.
On BBC Two show, ‘The Conspiracy Files: Who Shot Down MH17?‘, witnesses discuss seeing the aircraft being shot down by a fighter jet which subsequently led to 298 passengers and crew losing their lives as they travelled from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. reports:
The web page for the documentary states: “There are eyewitness accounts of other aircraft seen flying next to MH17 close to impact.
“To further fuel the conspiracies, Russia and Ukraine blame each other but both countries are unable to provide all the critical radar data from that day.
“Family members do not trust the official explanations and there is a long way to go to bring about justice for the victims. This programme tracks down eye witnesses, and speaks with secret intelligence sources to try to sort fact from fiction.”
According to the Daily Express, Natasha Beronina said: “It was summer, harvest time. We heard a bang. At first we saw black smoke and two planes, little ones like silver toys.
“One flew straight on and the other one turned round when the bang happened and flew back from where it had come.”
The documentary also explores the possibility that the downing of the jet was a CIA plot to pin the blame on Russia.
Earlier this month police arrested a man on suspicion of trying to assassinate the chief forensics officer in the probe into the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.
Ukraine’s most senior forensic scientists Oleksandr Ruvin was shot late last year and authorities believe the shooting was related to his role in the investigation.
In statement, the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office said it would hold a briefing later today “regarding the arrest of the killer who attempted to murder the chief expert on the case of the downed Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777”.
Mr Ruvin was shot in the leg but recovered in hospital.
The October report raised questions about a Russian cover-up in which fragments of shrapnel were deliberately removed from the body of the pilot.
By the time Dutch investigators – who were handling the investigation as 189 of the victims were Dutch – were granted access to the body of the pilot, the body had already “undergone an external and internal examination to remove foreign objects”.
In the month leading up to the tragedy, 16 military helicopters and aeroplanes were shot down as the conflict between separatists and Ukrainian authorities itensified.
At the time, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov claimed the Dutch Safety Board’s report is biased.
It is believed further evidence about the location the missile was fired from is being prepared for publication later this year.