Vin Diesel Exposes Chemtrails On His Facebook Page

Fast and Furious star Vin Diesel has gone public on Chemtrails, lending support to the theory that the U.S. government are spraying poisonous chemicals into the atmosphere in order to slowly poison and dumb down members of the public.
Chemtrails are long-lasting trails left in the sky by aircraft that routinely spray highly toxic chemicals such as aluminium into the atmosphere. reports:
While the conspiracy theory may be somewhat hard to swallow, convincing arguments do exist – though they are few. For example, in the video below, Rosalind Peterson, the former president of Agriculture Defense Coalition, addresses the United Nations on chemtrails, geoengineering, and weather modification.
What she relays is sobering:
Those who believe in chemtrails claim that the skies are being polluted with aluminum, barium, lead, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, selenium, and silver. All of which contribute to a host of health problems, including neurological effects, heart damage, eyesight issues, reproduction failures, immune system damage, gastrointestinal disorders, kidney damage, liver damage, hormonal problems, and more.
The topic of chemtrails, like many subjects, is very controversial. Understandably, one may be wary about accepting any so-called ‘evidence’. However, it appears that famous actor Vin Diesel may just be drawing attention to the presence of chemtrails in the photo below.
In the picture the Fast and Furious star recently posted to Facebook, he is seen crossing his fingers like the white streaks seen behind him in the sky.

Already, the photo has amassed 1.7 million likes. Some commenters were quick to point out their thoughts on the matter – as well as lend support to Diesel.
Said, Jonathan Paull:
“Come on ppl, Vin Diesel obviously posted this with the intent of showing the chemtrails in the sky. Notice how he has his fingers crossed….coincidentally matching the X in the sky. You go Vin, we need more influential ppl like you…big fan btw.
Activist Kat Bartel also commented:
“There was an interview a long long time ago from one of these pilots and they said that they drink water with oregano extract in it to fight the b******* that they’re putting in the Chemtrails that they know they are exposed to when they’re flying those planes. So oregano oil extract is a very cheap supplements and it kills a lot of other bacterias doesn’t really have any effect that’s negative on your body people so go ahead and take some. I have been trying to help people with Solutions rather than just scaring them with problems used to talk about the stuff in my classroom that’s why I’m now resigned teacher. Got into the principal’s office too many times get in trouble talking about Chemtrails I thought it was ridiculous so I quit, who cares about test scores when they’re constantly spraying this crap and making us sick.
Go test scores!!”