China & Russia Protecting Physical Supply & Demand Of Capitalism: Keynesianism’s Paper Deriv

The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right: Mega Deutsche Bank Admits To Rigging Global Gold And Silver Markets
In the STUNNING report below, gold expert Paul Mylchreest calculates that the “float” of physical gold in London (excluding [paper derivative] gold owned by ETFs and central banks) has recently declined to +/- ZERO…
We’ve argued for many years that a breakdown and bifurcation in the gold market between physical and paper gold substitutes would be necessary for accurate price discovery of physical gold bullion. The lead article in the January 2016 edition of the LBMA’s quarterly magazine was titled “Wholesale Physical Markets are Broken”, which might be confirmation that this process is reaching an advanced stage…
Russia And China Underway In Pricing Of Precious Metals: End Of The COMEX And London Mafia Markets. Destroying National Security By Busting The Dollar: U.S. CFTC & Comex Exchanging Counterfeit Derivatives For Non-Existent Gold & Silver. The Gold & Silver Manipulators Are At The End Of Their Rope The Cabal Fire Worm Cometh May 2016 vs Physical Silver & Gold Revolt Of The Debt Slaves: When The Herd Turns From 2013 ~ England’s Financial Black Hole Of Debt ~ Wages MUST Go Down Another 30% To Balance The Bank Bailouts! Australian Financial Review Warns About Paper Gold: China Moves To Physical Only ~ Derivatives Not Allowed. Many thinking ones laugh at such foolish chatter.
They know that the price of [physical] gold is dropping precisely be-cause ‘too many people are buying it’! [Thus The Cartel pushes down the price of gold using paper derivatives in an attempt to persuade people just to use their fiat paper dollar.] Think now, if you are a person of ‘great worth’ is it not better for you to acquire [physical] gold over years, at better prices? If you are one of ‘small worth’, can you not follow in the footsteps of giants?
The real money is selling ALL FORMS of paper gold and buying physical! Why? Because any form of paper gold is losing value much much faster than [physical] metal. Some paper will disappear all together in a fire of epic proportions! The massive [paper] trading continues at LBMA, but something is now missing” [An] Anonymous quote from many years ago (the 1990s!) Gold, Silver, & A RACE Towards Hyperinflation Rothschild JP Morgan Increasing Counterfeit Silver & Gold Supply Using Infinite “Paper Silver & Gold” Scheme! April Sends A Soaring 562,000 Americans Missing From Obama’s Employment Calculations: The Final Silver & Gold Showdown!