Odessa Celebrated Victory Day on May 9th
Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
9th May, 2016

The celebration of Victory Day in Odessa passed without incident.
Odessans with portraits of their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic war marched through the Alley of Glory to the monument of the Unknown sailor. They gathered on the Walk of Fame and were met with applause. At the Eternal Flame, people sang the song "Sacred war".
In addition, at the Eternal Flame the traditional Victory Banners were unveiled: despite the claims of officials that the use of this symbol is prohibited in connection with the requirements of the law on de-communization, the police did not prevent it. Some protesters also wore St. George's ribbons: police at the entrance to the Walk of Fame required that the ribbons were removed, but after passing by them, people wore them again.