Immortal Russian regiment that changed the world for the better !! ...
"Immortal regiment" occupied Western Europe and crossed the ocean
Geopolitics Ideology and patriotism, Russia and the West

A lot, for a long time and it is fair to talk about the enduring importance of the great Patriotic impulse that begot the action "Immortal regiment". You can admire the numbers: 24 million people in Russia and about 700 thousand in Moscow — indeed unprecedented coverage.
And you can also confidently predict that next year the event will be even more massive.
The war touched all
At the time of the great Patriotic war in the Soviet Union there was a family that hadn't lost at least one of its members. This means that each of the living families of Russian, every citizen of the Russian Federation has several relatives who fought on the fronts of the most brutal of wars, as have lived and died before the Victory.
Thus, the limit to the possible number of "Immortal regiment" may coincide with the population of Russia. But the campaign has already crossed the Russian frontiers. March "Immortal regiment" began to take place in all post-Soviet countries. This fact allows us to capture its output to a qualitatively new level.
In the States, which the Soviet Union collapsed, has not established the same type of modes. Political and economic contradictions between them were so sharp, and the ideological basis of the formation of a new state so often become nationalism (up to the radical, known as Nazism) that in some cases have been recorded of limited military clashes, and a couple of times, and it came to full-scale wars between former parts of one country (not counting the internal, civil conflicts).
Countries were in different, and often competing political, military and economic associations. In many cases, even bilateral relations can't raise above the level of cold hostility, and the search for consensus in multilateral formats is turning into a heartbreaking sight.
It seemed that yesterday the citizens of one country anymore and nothing will be the same. Even Victory Day managed to celebrate not just differently, but on different dates, with different symbols and with different (often diametrically opposed) ideological content.
And suddenly the action "Immortal regiment" instantly United all.
Georgians, Abkhazians and Armenians with Azerbaijanis parts today too much. To the extent that on the relevant territories physically practically didn't remain representatives of another nation (no Armenians in Baku and Azerbaijanis do not live in Yerevan). Power in Kiev celebrates victory on 8 may with poppies and hates the ribbons.
But no one dare to deny or to declare a hostile (ideologically alien "Immortal regiment".
People feel a sense of ownership to the greatest Victory in the history of mankind through their dead ancestors and survivors. And they don't care who came up with the procession with the portraits of grandfathers and great grandfathers who supported this event in a neighbouring state, with which whether the territory is not shared, then if it managed to break away and become independent.
Mechanism/another, carefully cherished by our "friends and partners" in 25 post-Soviet years, ceases to work when the history of the country becomes a family history.
For the post-Soviet space "Immortal regiment" became an important symbol of the historical community. Potentially he could become a turning point in history, it seemed, irreversible decay. At least until he was absolutely not allowed beyond the hitherto failure of the ideological mechanisms of separation.
How far will the recovery of the memories of past community (or it is limited to only a particular case of General great Victory) — the question for today is open. And resistance emerged after the collapse of the national elites of the ideology of reintegration, which objectively (without somebody's intent) carries the "Immortal regiment", is not academic.
The most popular Win
But this year was a new qualitative leap. "Immortal regiment" broke where it is unlikely anyone expected to see. In 2016 he passed through forty countries of the world.
In the former socialist countries (especially in Serbia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic) a separate small group of war veterans, resisters and their descendants had previously arranged a March "Immortal regiment".
But this year the regiment came, even there, where not reached the Red army. Marches took place in Venice, Paris, Toronto, new York. By the way, the last to the streets in the "Immortal regiment" was released not fewer people than in Kiev.
Thus, the "Immortal regiment" occupied Western Europe and crossed the ocean. And the parade "Immortal regiment" puts an end to the geopolitical opponents more effective and safer than if the streets of American cities were parade thousands of "Armat".
First, as already mentioned, the "Immortal regiment" has been destroyed by decades, implements in the minds of former Soviet people computer viruses of the meaninglessness of Victory ("would drink Bavarian beer"), about the struggle of the people against the Soviet government, which Hitler foolishly failed to use ("real heroes" — Vlasov, Bandera, the "forest brothers", various ethnic legionaries each to your taste, but all diluted by national quarters), the "generals-butchers, which enemy corpses piled" (descendants of marshals and privates are in the same order).
In the history of mankind has there been a more popular Victory.
The result is a lot of money and information resources have been wasted — a sense of unity among the peoples of the former USSR have been preserved and, thanks to the "Immortal regiment", began to revive and strengthen.
Secondly, this year it turned out that not just people of different nationalities, found itself after the collapse of the Soviet Union in different States, but immigrants from the Soviet Union, Russia, other former Soviet republics, often professing different ideologies and being bitter rivals, fully merge in March "Immortal regiment". They feel their kinship, that higher short-term differences.
"Immortal regiment" went on the offensive, and just as the advocates of "friends and partners" have not been able to oppose him on earth, so they were unable to resist him at home.
Now immigrants from the former Soviet Union, emerging with portraits of relatives who fought in the red army, joined the Americans, Canadians, French, Czechs, Australians fought as members of national contingents, including on distant from the Eastern front. Every year they will become more and more.
Rostislav Ishchenko