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NATO is a Military Organization plundering of the entire planet

Three strategic bomber B-52 (this piece of junk, by the way, is in service since 1955, and that it dropped millions of tons of bombs and chemicals in Vietnam) should take part in military exercises BALTOPS and Saber Strike 16, 16 which are 3 and 19 June and will employ more than 6 thousand troops from 15 countries-members of NATO, as well as Swedish and Finnish soldiers. Exercise Saber Strike with the participation of 13 States began in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia on may 27 and will go until June 22.

NATO is a military machine that is no longer there for other purposes (in connection with the dissolution of the Warsaw Treaty Organization), but to serve the interests of tycoons and American companies that aspire to world hegemony and plundering of the entire planet. Any idea what may cause the confrontation between Russian and NATO forces? I think it's over a pair of shootings? Naive and even stupid opinion: NATO, like Russia, has a nuclear Arsenal of apocalyptic proportions. And since neither side wants to lose face, what will happen during the live, even to the limited collision? The bombs fly...

NATO, weapons, the crumbling of the American system of economic and financial domination, leading the world to war, supporting the antics of the former Eastern bloc countries, Poland, the Baltic States, Ukraine. What is the meaning of large-scale exercises near the Russian borders? It is generally wise? Who is that supposed to scare? Putin? On the contrary, it is only happy because it provides justification for huge spending on military modernization. Is it possible to inspire fear in the bear attacking him with a pocketknife?

Actually from Russia Europe is not threatened. Russia is not our enemy. But the policy of the US and its allies-vassals will be used to form this impression. The arrangement of the bases of NATO and the expansion of its infrastructure should increase the influence of the Alliance in Europe, to force member countries to provide additional resources for the maintenance of troops and to sow alarm among the allies. Perhaps it's time to realize these facts and look them in the face.

And it looks not too nice. Once full-scale war in Europe would be a threat to the existence of the Russian state and of the nation, they're taking steps to clearly demonstrate that the United States would have to pay a huge price for the attack. Russia formed defensive tools are at the level of the NATO threat. And further — more.

Until recently Russia did not believe in the classical military threat from NATO forces. And did not use significant resources to protect against fictitious threats. Now this approach is changing dramatically.

The armored vehicles. Russia perevooruzhit prestigious 1st Guards tank army. Now her arms are battle tanks T-72B3 and T-80, however they will be replaced by the revolutionary T-14 "Armata". The new machines will also come on shift and current armored personnel carriers and BMP. The support of armored vehicles from the air will provide the MiG-28 attack helicopters Ka-52. The West have nothing to say on such armored forces.

Tactical missiles. The new missile complex "Iskander-M" is a dangerous weapon from any point of view. Although in technical terms we are talking about the tactical missile is a short range (less than 1 000 km at an official range 500 km), it is possible to launch R-500 with a range of 2 thousand km. It has the highest precision, can perform the functions of the missile reaches a supersonic speed and almost can not be detected from earth. These rockets can destroy all units and equipment of the US and NATO in Eastern Europe and, if necessary, to open the way for 1st Panzer army.

Intercontinental missiles. Anyway, not tanks, "Iskander-M" pose no threat to the United States. Therefore, Russia needs a weapon that can spread panic in the Pentagon and the White house. RS-28 "Sarmat" (SS-X-30 by NATO classification), which takes fear to a previously unprecedented level. "Sarmat" is flying at speeds of Mach 20 (24 500 km/h), capable of carrying from 10 to 15 warheads with multiple warheads and can hit any target anywhere on the planet for any trajectory. All this together means that you cannot intercept missiles and warheads. In addition, the "Sarmat" can carry conventional warhead for destruction of the fortifications of the enemy non-nuclear conflict. This is possible thanks to the amazing accuracy of "Sarmat" (10 meters) and short time of preparation for start-up (less than 60 seconds).

Strategic torpedoes. Strategic torpedo "Status-6" can go to a depth of 1 thousand meters at a speed of up to 185 km/h and a range of 10 thousand kilometers. Carry it specially modified submarines. It can be used against aircraft carrier groups and bases of the American fleet (in particular the bases of strategic submarines), and in the worst configuration can serve as a means of delivery of cobalt bombs, creating a zone of radioactive contamination over a large area. Given that the majority of American cities and industrial centers are on the coast, this makes them especially vulnerable to strikes with torpedoes.

Other weapons. Missile system RT-23 utth placed in trains that are in constant motion in the vast Russian rail network. And impossible to detect them. Shown in action during the war in Syria rocket "Caliber" can be launched from a conventional cargo container, which you had occasion to see on the trucks, trains and ships. As you remember, "Caliber" can hit any target at a distance of from 50 to 4 thousand meters and can carry a nuclear warhead. Unless Russia will be difficult to place these cruise missiles along the U.S. coast on Board of conventional container?

So, should we, French and Europeans, to put our very existence dependent on the whims of megalomania from the Pentagon that besides manipulating the American military-industrial complex?

The Russians — the ordinary people. They are afraid of war and want to avoid it. The latter cost them 28 million lives... But they are ready if I have to. This unique feature of Russian culture that the West has misinterpreted countless times over the last thousand years. Europeans are not just attacked Russia but there they were waited by these fights, which they never dreamed of even in the worst nightmare. Napoleon and Hitler themselves dug their graves. That's why Russian saying: "Russia does Not start wars, but she always finishes."

When the French and Germans will finally realize that the Americans push them into chaos? Even if one country withdrew from NATO, the coalition would give a serious crack, because no one in Europe is interested in an armed conflict with Russia. This country can only be France. De Gaulle perfectly understood that, but pathetic Sarkozy and one which brought only disappointment Hollande wipe the Gaullist legacy, and today France is forced to go on about all the stupid things USA — the country that brought to mind has absolute power on the planet.

France was forced out of the European governing system and is configured arrogant hegemonically Germany. So isn't it time for Paris to get out of it is detrimental to the Alliance and to begin a serious rapprochement with Moscow? If Germany will be between Russia and France, the two economic, military and nuclear powers, members of the UN security Council, she quickly realizes her interest. This will form the axis Paris-Berlin-Moscow, which will be able to sober up Washington madmen and their vassals London.

Agora Vox, France

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