Texas Police use an armed robot to kill a 'SUSPECTED" shooter...Experts Raise an Alarm
Activist Post 'The fact that the police have a weapon like this...is an example of the militarization of the police and law...

The British government refused to hold a second referendum
Re-vote on the UK exit from the EU will not. This was stated in the government of the Kingdom. It was the answer of the British...

RAW VIDEO Dallas Shooting Scene
Panic ensues in Dallas

Heavy multirole fighters 4 ++ generation Su-30mkm of Russia's AIR FORCE. Exhort Superiority!
More : Damn You Putin, Look What You've Done...... #Wars #Warcrimes #Russia #Sanctions

Obama proposes new military partnership with Russia / Plan F.
I hope you reserved me a room in your country guys. Hillary is greeted by Russian officials of whom extracted her from Washington after a...

The liberals who attack Brexit on these grounds will be on a propaganda warpath
The Brits have voted for Brexit. How will the more “enlightened” liberal Eurocrats in Bruxelles spin the debacle and save the financial...

Putin warned Trump to expect ‘dirty tricks like we’ve already seen, and much worse‘
Putin Warns Trump ‘New World Order Out To Get You’ Posted on June 19, 2016 by Baxter Dmitry in News Brave Vladimir Putin has delivered a...

One Million People Rise Up In France Amid Media Blackout
Over one million people took to the streets in France this week in protest against an ever-increasing totalitarian French government, in...

If elected, Clinton said, she would increase social-media surveillance.
CLINTON CALLS ON TECH COMPANIES TO FIGHT ISIS PROPAGANDA The Democratic candidate says the U.S. needs an “intelligence surge”—and she...

Nominating Israel to chair UNGA committee like asking the wolf to guard sheep
Dr. Shaher Awawdeh, deputy permanent observer of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to the United Nations, strongly denounced...