Sanctions? What Sanctions? German Company to Help Build Bridge to Crimea
A German-owned company is listed as one of the subcontractors for the Kerch Strait bridge construction project. © SPUTNIK/ KONSTANTIN...

The Russian Interventions in South Ossetia and Crimea Compared: Military Performance, Legitimacy and
The Russian Intervention in Crimea Theoretical Aspects of the Russian Interventio... Russian Foreign Policy towards the Former... The...

Economics Given the recent flood of op-eds and editorials on the wonders of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Obama administration...

BOMBSHELL: French Counter-Terror Boss: ‘I Have Proof Who Killed Litvinenko - It Wasn’t Russia’
He says it was done by US and UK secret services and that he is going to go public with the evidence A former French official who has had...

Russians never give up
About one of human heroism and the immortality of our people Last week one the Russian officer had committed the deed. Under the Palmyra,...

The humbug of ‘shared values’ and What it really means to be a friend of Israel
Once again the AIPAC annual pantomime in Washington DC has played itself out while the world outside watches aghast at the gullibility of...

Al Qaeda and the Money Trail: Surviving on the Battlefield in the Information War
There is undoubtedly an information war raging. There are intentional liars, people who witlessly repeat these lies, poor research, and...

Pentagon: Russia's role in Syria has become more constructive
A spokesman for the Ministry of defence of the USA Peter Cooke at a press conference on Tuesday stated that Russia's role in Syria,...

Media: the West chose not to notice the Russian victory over IG in Palmyra
Syrian troops with the support of Russia managed to liberate from ISIS Palmyra, however, the United States and Britain keep the "deathly...

Obama’s Fakery, ‘News’ Media’s Suckery
How can it be that the same news-medium that reported, on 22 April 2015, that the Obama Administration allows countries it signs...