Outnumbered, Outranged, and Outgunned: How Russia Defeats NATO
Are US generals raising alarm to secure more funding or is the sentiment real? You decide When asked two weeks ago in testimony before...

No Evidence of Russia Bombing Hospitals in Syria. Maybe The US Media Just Made It Up
The civil war within Syria is certainly destabilizing the geopolitical picture of the entire world. It is laying open the desperation...

The Stop Trump Movement Is a Joke. Sad!
Donald Trump wins five more states, and the people who are trying to stop him appear to be clueless. Republicans who imagine that there...

Tension visibly growing in Odessa ahead of massacre date — Russian Foreign Ministry
MOSCOW, April 27./TASS/. Tension is visibly growing in Odessa ahead of May 2, marking two years since the Odessa massacre; the...

Brazil's Game of Thrones: The Empire of Chaos Strikes Back
Soon after the impeachment motion against President Dilma Rousseff was approved in the Brazilian Congress by what I chose to call Hybrid...

The West Is In Decline Because it Rejected Christianity - Only Russia Gets It
"Vladimir Putin, who witnessed the death of Marxism-Leninism up close, appears to understand the cruciality of Christianity to Mother...

The loss of MH17: what is actually said in the film BBC
3 may BBC will be aired on the telecast from the series "conspiracy Theory" (Conspiracy Files), devoted to the investigation of the...

Tides against Israel are turning toward a two state solution
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gestures during a press conference with his Singaporean counterpart on April 19, 2016 at the...

BBC Claims MH17 Was Shot Down By Ukrainian Fighter Jet
A new BBC documentary has claimed that Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 may have been shot down by a Ukrainian fighter jet -and not as a...

Saudi link? White House set to release secret pages from 9/11 probe
The disclosure would come at a time of strained US relations with Saudi Arabia, a long-time American ally. The Obama administration will...