ISIS has no where to run as rebels recapture Adwan & Sahm al-Jawlan – Map update
During the afternoon, Islamist groups of Jabhat al-Nusra, Islamic Front, Ahrar ash-Sham and the Free Syrian Army recaptured the towns of...

Financial Times: Russia has changed the world order
Russia today sets the agenda in the world media. This is the universal indicator of increased interest and popularity of the policy. If...

American food parcels were found by a group of Iranian documentary filmmakers, including Vahid Farahani and Seyed Hashem Moussavi, who...

Pentagon at it again - enrolls 'dozens' of Syrian rebels in 'new' training program a
© Kim Hong-Ji / Reuters New program, lotsa stuff, no guys...where's the guys? The US is training "dozens" of rebels to battle Islamic...

Assad: The West is dishonest, and it's the most important lesson we learned from Syria
In the modern world there is neither international law nor morality in politics, it is therefore important to be able to choose partners...

Why the Mainstream Media's War Against Russia is Failing
The Western mainstream news media's aggressive coverage of Russia has come back to bite them due to one simple factor, says independent...

Message to Erdogan - Regime Change in Syria is Off the Agenda
A couple of weeks ago I wrote for Russia Insiderthat I thought it unlikely President Erdogan would send the Turkish army into Syria and...

US President Barack Obama refused to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, despite the latter's visit to the United States....

Germany has accused Saudi Arabia of supporting terrorism
The economy Minister of Germany, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel accused the authorities of Saudi Arabia to the tacit support of...

Russians never give up
About one of human heroism and the immortality of our people Last week one the Russian officer had committed the deed. Under the Palmyra,...