The US, Thai Human Rights, and Saudi Head Choppers http://journal-neo.org/2016/03/31/the-us-thai-hum
The Southeast Asian nation of Thailand has found itself repeatedly in the spotlight regarding labor practices, and in particular those...

Message to Erdogan - Regime Change in Syria is Off the Agenda
A couple of weeks ago I wrote for Russia Insiderthat I thought it unlikely President Erdogan would send the Turkish army into Syria and...

US President Barack Obama refused to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, despite the latter's visit to the United States....

Germany has accused Saudi Arabia of supporting terrorism
The economy Minister of Germany, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel accused the authorities of Saudi Arabia to the tacit support of...

Russians never give up
About one of human heroism and the immortality of our people Last week one the Russian officer had committed the deed. Under the Palmyra,...

Media: the West chose not to notice the Russian victory over IG in Palmyra
Syrian troops with the support of Russia managed to liberate from ISIS Palmyra, however, the United States and Britain keep the "deathly...

Obama’s Fakery, ‘News’ Media’s Suckery
How can it be that the same news-medium that reported, on 22 April 2015, that the Obama Administration allows countries it signs...

USA "googled" in Syria
Today, it is safe to say that U.S. policy in the middle East is characterized as follows: "nothing personal, it's just business". In this...

~Confessions of John McCain, General M.Dempsey, President B.Obama, Hillary Clinton and Zbigniew Brze
Hillary Clinton and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Classic example of Problem-Reaction-Solution, also known as order out of chaos, has been used...

Are Bibi's Days Numbered?
There are people all over the world trying to push Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu out of office. Now, it's not that I'm a great fan of...