Why is Lebanon Holding Hannibal Gaddafi Hostage?
As of this week, following his arrest on December 15, 2015, Hannibal Gaddafi, one of seven children of Moammar Gaddafi and his Widow...

Turkish troops invaded Syria
Turkish troops invaded the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. About it with reference to own source in the Kurdish militia said the...

More than 5 years ago, I wrote about the collapse of the bipartisan political system of the USA, but then it was obvious to few. But now...

One Day After the Panama Papers were Leaked, IRS Headquarters Closes then Catches Fire
As we have been covering this week, the release of the Panama Papers has created a panic among world governments, by exposing some of...

ISIS has no where to run as rebels recapture Adwan & Sahm al-Jawlan – Map update
During the afternoon, Islamist groups of Jabhat al-Nusra, Islamic Front, Ahrar ash-Sham and the Free Syrian Army recaptured the towns of...

Imperial Human Sacrifice in Yemen
Is America the World's Worst Girlfriend? Stand-up comic Louis CK recently did this bit where he characterized America as “the world’s...

Assad: The West is dishonest, and it's the most important lesson we learned from Syria
In the modern world there is neither international law nor morality in politics, it is therefore important to be able to choose partners...

During exacerbation of the conflict in Karabakh killed dozens of people (photos) 18+ ~New Video Adde
The website of the Ministry of defense of Nagorno-Karabakh says that this picture shows Azerbaijan downed helicopter 12 18 Armenian and...

Bribery scandal at the UN is associated with the faction of Jiang Zemin
An investigation of bribery of the John W. Ashe, President of the UN General Assembly, Macau businessman Ng lap Sen exposed a massive...

Why the Mainstream Media's War Against Russia is Failing
The Western mainstream news media's aggressive coverage of Russia has come back to bite them due to one simple factor, says independent...