Houston: ‘Threatening Calls’ From Government Forced Us To Cancel ‘Vaxxed’

If you don’t think there is a government agenda to silence the growing anti-vaccination movement then you might want to take a look at the damning paper trail that is starting to pile up.
A new letter sent by the chairman of the Houston Film Festival shows that Robert DeNiro and the Tribeca Film Festival were just the first to be pressured (or should we say threatened?) not to show the film Vaxxed: From Coverup To Catastrophe.
The following letter was sent to Philippe Diaz, Chairman of Cinema Libre, distributor of the film, on April 5, at 8:56 am.
The situation has now escalated to criminal conduct and extortion, with the film festival being threatened with ‘severe action’ if they showed the film, and punishing financial losses in the form of withdrawn grants.
Dear Philippe~ Good Morning…
I wanted you to know that just like DeNiro and Tribeca, we must withdraw our invitation to screen VAXXED! It has been cancelled, and there was no press release about the film… that was scheduled for today, but after very threatening calls late yesterday (Monday) from high Houston Government officials (the first and only time they have ever called in 49 years) – we had no choice but to drop the film.
Heavy handed censorship, to say the least… they both threatened severe action against the festival if we showed it, so it is out. Their actions would have cost us more than $100,000 in grants.
I do hope that they did not call or threaten you. It is done, it is out and we have been censored… There are some very powerful forces against this project. It does seem a bit of overkill, as I am confident that it will be released Online soon and millions of people can see it.
My Thanks and Best regards,
Hunter Todd Chairman & Founding Director TEAM WORLDFEST The 49th Annual WorldFest-Houston
You could argue this is not quite censorship in the literal sense of the word, because the government officials issued threats to withhold funding, and thus offered the film festival a quasi-choice rather than directly ordering them not to show the film.
This is called financial extortion. In reality they are not presenting the film festival with any choice at all. Either they submit to the government’s ‘very threatening’ demands, or they face financial ruin. The powers that be are doing everything they can to silence the anti-vaccination movement.