Strikes Cause Total Chaos after President Francois Hollande's passes a labor law by decree
Strikes Cause Total Chaos after President Francois Hollande's passing a labor law by decree France is running out of gasoline and...

Beware what you wish for: Russia is ready for war
So foreign ministers from the 28 NATO member-nations met in Brussels for a two-day summit, while mighty military power Montenegro was...

BDS is free speech, says Dutch government
An activist holds a sign calling for the boycott of Israel during a demonstration marking the 68th year of the Nabka, the ethnic...

The Great Leap Backward: America’s Illegal Wars on the World
Can we face it in this election season? America is a weapons factory, the White House a war room, and the president the manager of the...

American political scientist stated on record since 1941 the concentration of enemy troops around Ru
American political scientist and expert on Russia Stephen Cohen on the transfer of John Batchelor said that Russia is concentrated around...

Why I Think the Western Democracies Are In Fact Dictatorships
"... though the democratic nations ... defeated fascism in 1945, they are no longer democracies; they’re all «oligarchies» ruled by some...

Poroshenko — a war criminal who is waiting for his Tribunal — Johan Backman
Today Donbass is the heart of anti-American resistance, and the new Russia — the vanguard of the struggle for democracy and freedom of...

The head of the FSB called the crash of EgyptAir terrorist attack
FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov said that the crash of EgyptAir apparently is a terrorist act, RIA Novosti reported. "Unfortunately,...

Queen Elizabeth Reveals She Is Ready To Flee Britain
The Queen was overheard saying that military intelligence suggests that if Britain doesn't leave Europe then World War 3 will occur....

‘Chilling’ memo details Saudi / Israeli 9/11 link thru a US Neoconservative War Party (PNAC)
A US interrogation report detailing the questioning of Saudi diplomats is drawing fresh attention to the alleged role of Saudi Arabia in...